Yellowstone Darwinism

You mean like this PSA? Thanks to @WYO300RUM!
I can't imagine what it takes to kill a bison with a vehicle. At least not the kind tourist usually bring.

Moose are bad enough.
In 2004 I was leaving east gate YNP heading back to Cody. It was dark already. About 10 miles down the road two buffalo came up into the road . When they hit my headlights they were about 50 yards from front of truck and they stopped. I had just bought that truck a few months before. Thank God it had 4 wheel disc brakes and not my 1999 truck with drum rear brakes. I think I would of hit them. We stopped at the Wapiti Inn for dinner. The waitress told me her husband worked in the Park and hit and killed a buffalo . Totaled truck. They tried to fire him. I don't know how fast he was going or if dark. I was doing around 50 mph. Weird thing was in 2002 very close to same spot a sow griz and 2 cubs ran across the road in front of me at around 60 yds. It was dark then also.
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Stupid is stupid does.

The Cowboy State Daily has some good articles in it every day.
Last story. Promise !
In 2002 I drove in the South Gate on the last day the Park was open. They used to close gates after first weekend in November. I don't know anymore. I think it was 120 miles from south gate to east gate. There was plenty of snow and the roads were just two track in the snow. I was coming up the grade to top of road that goes out the east gate. Two track in snow in midde of road. Long way down to bottom of canyon on right with no guardrail there is there now... I look up and around left turn to top come a heard of buffalo coming down towards me at about 80 yds. !
Holy Bison ! I bout caca'd mi pantalones . They split both sides of my truck and bumping it rocking me back and forth . About a hundred of them it seemed. My girlfriend was reaching out and touching them . I told her stop ! I don't want a horn into the side of my truck ! Finally they went by. I got to top of road and went about 1/4 mile and here's a wolf trotting down the road going opposite way. It was white and gray multi colored. Second wolf I had seen. Year before at the end of South Fork while deer hunting I almost shot a wolf thinking it was a big coyote. I kept watching it in scope then it hit me. A wolf ! Cr@p ! It was brown and black exact color of coyote. Found out the next year they killed two wolves in the same spot that were killing calves on ranch. How sad... 😁
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