Yellowjacket and Don't Mean NFL HOF


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Mowing I happen to look up under eave of house and HOLY CRAP! Yellowjackets entering and leaving a hive entry coming out of our soffit that looked revolving front door like a Sale at Cabelas! Tried to kill them with standard wasp hornet spray and that only PO'ed them off so had to call in the big guns to eradicate. Local company and injected a foam right up into the hive entrance and I know he was glad he was suited up since they were not too happy at all. Sometimes just pay it up since trying to do this without gear can get pretty nasty even at night. Sprayed foam insecticide up under the board entrance and it came out the main hive entrance so I bet it was saturated pretty good.
Man that's something. Usually Yellow Jackets live underground. I have seen entrance holes to their hive as big a baseball in the ground. It is mostly the smaller holes that you don't see and step on it and the next thing there's a hundred of those little yellow devils stinging and chasing you.
Lucking no one got seriously injured.
When hunting in Mexico my stands were open tripods we built ourselves. Had built adjustable gun rests on them to swing w/ the seats. Well, I forgot to plug weld the horizontal ends of the tubing. Getting into the stands on a cool morning, no problem but when it started warming up? Big problem. Yellow Jackets started swarming around. 12' leg deployment w/o getting stung is a trick!! Needless to say, next morning early w/ grow foam did the trick. We have hornets in the ground down here and yellow jackets wherever they can stay out of the rain.
People have died from bee,hornet,yellow jacket and wasp stings!
One man from Texas came to Montana to hunt and found a hornet nest in a tree that looked abandoned so he took it home.
It warmed up and hornets were not happy having their home had moved to such a hot place,plenty of stings to go around.Husband has not been allowed to come back to Montana.
I had a nest in the door hinge of my old truck. When I opened the door I got hit about six times. My forearm swelled up for three to four days. Benadrill pills and cream. Just glad my grandson wasn't the one standing there.
Got stung under left armpit in that very sensitive area. Dang! That little bugger hurt like dickens! Which is why I called in calvary! I tried normal wasp hornet spray and prob is what got me stung! They injected the kill foam right into the entrances with a small wand so it was delivered into the heart of the nest. Need EPA license for that "good stuff"!
Got stung under left armpit in that very sensitive area. Dang! That little bugger hurt like dickens! Which is why I called in calvary! I tried normal wasp hornet spray and prob is what got me stung! They injected the kill foam right into the entrances with a small wand so it was delivered into the heart of the nest. Need EPA license for that "good stuff"!
Ouch! Wife uses wasp spray, I use hair spray. Mine is more effective...they fly towards me and by the time they fly 1-2 feet they fall to the ground...wings stuck together
I'm dealing with a similar problem myself. Yellow Jackets were finding their way under the roof which sits on top of my bay window. I sprayed every spot I could find but that didn't deter them. I sat on the deck and watched where they entered and filled the tiny hole with silicone. They'd find another tiny spot and another tiny spot. Eventually I siliconed every little crack, hole, space, whatever.

Now they are forcing their way into the light fixture bases at the door. I've gone through 4 cans of bee killer but there's an endless number of bees. I think there may be a queen bee or a small hive under that roof and they are compelled to return.

I hung a bee trap nearby but it only caught a few. They are focused on getting in!
Yeah that is the problem. Better to kill them instead of trapping them. They will gnaw a hole through sheetrock and now you have them snuggling up to you at night. Or crawl thru light fixtures. Best to kill them wait a while and then seal up entrances.