When the Hunter becomes the Hunted(Wolf tricks)


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2012
Hinton< Alberta< Canada
When the Hunter becomes the Hunted(Wolf tricks)

Just like Elk/Moose/Deer calling is how to bring in Wolves

I have been calling Wolves for over 30 years

They are very territorial and if there is a new Wolf in town they want to challenge

so by howling in their area they will come..... some times a scout or pack

if your calling other animals they will come some times

if you distress call using your Elk/Moose/Deer they will come

if you find fresh tracks wait a bit be very quite check your wind (if too windy not good)

then call and wait most times they come in quite

other times it takes till the next day (black n truck pics)

when they are challenging you just like Elk ..move back leaving partner

then a howl/distress combination is deadly

if they know your human as in get your scent .. the game is usually over

just remember when calling/distress calling you could get other predators

also this is not for the weak of heart and it could be a dangerous game

most times I call its too teach but some times its time too thin pack

last pic is the 5x7 WT from one of the posted I did

When the Hunter (Wolves) become the Hunted

if you want to do your part in your WMU

Food for Thought

Canis Lupus 2 out of 3 is not bad - Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum
Couple Wolves Today (part Deux) Canis Lupus - Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum
Try Wolf Calling - Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum
Called in 5 Bambi Killers - Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum





I don't mess around with wolves, one bad shot and they are all over you and then you are dead and then your wife have to go get a new hot younger guy.
I don't mess around with wolves, one bad shot and they are all over you and then you are dead and then your wife have to go get a new hot younger guy.

[...] ... and then your wife have to go get a new hot younger guy...
... and he gets your wife, and all of your cool guns, fishing kit, and reloadin' stuff :( :( :( .
[...] ... and then your wife have to go get a new hot younger guy...
... and he gets your wife, and all of your cool guns, fishing kit, and reloadin' stuff :( :( :( .

Yep you are right, that's why I don't hunt what ever can turn around and hunt me.
u guys are funny... the Wife is the most dangerous ,, got you didn't she ... also she got u guys running around scared ;;;

I am single and into catch and release

if I was scared I wouldn't go into the bush out here

Cougars/Grizzly/Black Bears/Wolves are the predators here

but I have been charged by Elk and Moose

be aware any time your in bush !!!

ps .. the 4 Grizzly(sow n 3 cubs) ... I was 10 yards from picking Huckleberry's the year before she ran from me

David :-}






Yep you are right, that's why I don't hunt what ever can turn around and hunt me.
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