What magnum-boltface cartridge for long range


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
I have a rifle with a mag boltface that I'm going to rebarrel. I was thinking of 7mmRemMag, but anyone have any other suggestions? Remember it has to use the mag boltface. Its currently a 270wby sporter on a Mark V action. I'm going to use a varmint countour so I can shoot more than 3 shot strings. The use will be practicing out to 1100 yards and occasional hunting if I won't be hiking it up hills.

264 mag? 7 Dakota? 7 Practical? 7wby? Accuracy would trump velocity gains in this decision.

What rounds have the best barrel life (mag boltface)?

Are any of these rounds reputed to be more accurate than others?

I don't have any real gaps in my arsenal.

What would you guys do?
338 ultra,338 edge, 300 ultra with 230 bergers all have the potential for great accuracy. 338's will have longer barrel life
I'm a fan of the 7mm's for ballistics/power upon arrival/tolerable recoil. For some reason I just am not a huge wby cartridge fan for accuracy.
I'm considering the 7wby, but I already load/shoot a 7stw so I have a hotrod 7mm.
I'm trying to keep myself from going 338 due to recoil, but it'll be a heavy barrel on a heavy action and I can brake it. And, I don't have a big boomer currently other than the AR50. In fact the 7STW is my most powerful hunting rifle. 340wby? Anyone have a rifle similar to this and could compare recoil/fatigue to other rifles?
when you rebarrel it you can have the chamber throat lead cut to your specs and make it as accurate as most anything else out there. Since your already familiar with the 270 Weatherby I would just stay with that and feed it 165gr Matrix vld, That would be a pretty potent combo in it's own right. With a tuned action and custom chamber 26-28" barrel of excellent quality I don't see any reason why you couldn't do 1100 and do it with very good results.

I'm assuming you handload also
Yes I reload.

The 7mm Rem mag keeps making more and more sense. 180 bergers at 3000 fps seems hard to beat at a recoil level that shouldn't be bad at all with a barrel with a muzzle around 0.875".
I have a 26.5" strait tapper barrel with muzzle dai of 0.750 on my 7mag, about 1 out of 4 I can spot my hits at 500. the other 3 I just can't quite get back on fast enough. 180gr at 3k, better plan on a 28-30" barrel
Do yourself a favor and go with the 7mm SAUM. It is a very efficient case. You can use 300 SAUM Norma and neck down if you want good brass. But I've read where guys are getting good results with Remington brass. You can still launch 180's at 2900-3050fps.

Do yourself a favor and go with the 7mm SAUM. It is a very efficient case. You can use 300 SAUM Norma and neck down if you want good brass. But I've read where guys are getting good results with Remington brass. You can still launch 180's at 2900-3050fps.


I think Tank is on to something with the 7SAUM, looking for accuracy and barrel life over velocity I think it would be a solid choice. Though I've seen a couple 7mm-300wins that are wicked mean with a 180 Berger and should be stellar with the 195 Berger when it shows.
i have one of those wicked 7mm-300 and it is stellar with 180g bergers. so stellar im having a 2nd built on a 700 rem action 28in barrel no brake.
If you want to run a 180 gr at 3000 fps instead of going with max pressures in a 7 mag, 7wsm or 7saum why not go with a 7mm Dakota/STW/ RUM. Granted you already have a 7mm STW so why not go 300 RUM or 338 Edge/Lapua. You will be running a muzzle brake anyways so why not try something new?
Do yourself a favor and go with the 7mm SAUM. It is a very efficient case. You can use 300 SAUM Norma and neck down if you want good brass. But I've read where guys are getting good results with Remington brass. You can still launch 180's at 2900-3050fps.


You didn't say what the advantage was???
If you want to run a 180 gr at 3000 fps instead of going with max pressures in a 7 mag, 7wsm or 7saum why not go with a 7mm Dakota/STW/ RUM. Granted you already have a 7mm STW so why not go 300 RUM or 338 Edge/Lapua. You will be running a muzzle brake anyways so why not try something new?

7 lrm does all this and without a belt!
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