What is rubber bands to use for downrigging?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2013
The Dam, WI.
I would like to try using rubber bands on my downrigger for a release. Is size 16 big enough or should I use size 19's. I'm trolling 1.5mph with dodgers and flashers for lake trout, bows, and browns. Anyone's thoughts on this.
I'd go with the 19s. The 16s sometimes pop when I turn hard or if I have to bump the throttle up a bit if I'm fighting the wind. Switched to the 19s and solved the problem. Our catch per trip seems to be about the same, but without as many false alarms and time spent messing with the riggers.
I'd go with the 19s. The 16s sometimes pop when I turn hard or if I have to bump the throttle up a bit if I'm fighting the wind. Switched to the 19s and solved the problem. Our catch per trip seems to be about the same, but without as many false alarms and time spent messing with the riggers.

As what I have observed, there are many rubber band that it is preferable to use for downrigging. Actually I have my experience using the Cannonball type downrigger this kind of downrigger is very useful it is contains of good profile and it is know for there good quality.
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