What is life like in Las Vegas?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
I was offered a job in Las Vegas and haven't been there for 26 years. I'm wondering what the hunting and fishing is like near there. And the general quality of life.
I'll let others who live there chime in - I interviewed for a position in Vegas last year. When I spoke with many members of the medical team there, I heard a similar theme: "Vegas is great! You're x hours from Disney, x hours from skiing, x hours from …". There really wasn't much mentioned about actually living in Vegas besides pick where you live carefully (Henderson, Summerlin, etc), if you have kids may want to consider private school, etc. Do you like extreme heat?

It didn't seem like a great fit for me and my family, but it's a decision you'll obviously have to make for yourself. I chose a position in Montana and my family and I are very happy with the decision.
I'll let others who live there chime in - I interviewed for a position in Vegas last year. When I spoke with many members of the medical team there, I heard a similar theme: "Vegas is great! You're x hours from Disney, x hours from skiing, x hours from …". There really wasn't much mentioned about actually living in Vegas besides pick where you live carefully (Henderson, Summerlin, etc), if you have kids may want to consider private school, etc. Do you like extreme heat?

It didn't seem like a great fit for me and my family, but it's a decision you'll obviously have to make for yourself. I chose a position in Montana and my family and I are very happy with the decision.
Yeah I saw Summerlin and Henderson as the desired communities. I don't care for extreme heat but have lived in it for many years.
Not a resident either. Me and the wife vacationed there 20 years ago and enjoyed our trip. 10 years later we decided to return and were disappointed with just about everything in Vegas. So much we left Vegas and visited the Grand Canyon for the remainder of our trip.
I couldn't live there but I live in a small town and dislike large populations of people and traffic. Others must not mind cause there's plenty living there.
I had that opportunity about 25 years ago too, but didn't get the exact position I wanted so i didn't go.. I should have gone. I audited our site there every other month for almost 2 years..so every other month, I was there for 3-4 days. The "strip" and gambling gets old real fast.. unless of course your if a degenerate gambler as Tony Soprano would say.. The buffets are fantastic, but they are a ticket to obesity and heart disease and they get old pretty quickly as well. A few of my coworkers did take positions there.. They are still there last i heard. Henderson is nice but its crowded and very blue collar. Summerlin I liked a lot better, a master plan community, more open than Henderson and a degree or two cooler.. North Las Vegas is not so nice.. No necessarily the pits but I wouldn't want to bring my kids up there. they have 12 month schools, and they are deadly serious about protecting their kids.. One thing I noticed while i was out there, at dismissal time, there was always a cop or 2 present,and do not even think about exceeding the speed limit in a school zone.. From my friends that moved there, they said they will ticket you for 1 MPH over the limit! But thats a good thing I think.. The highway system that goes through and around LV they call the "spaghetti bowl" and its a scary place to be if your not real familiar with it..
still if I had the chance for a "do over" I would have taken the position offered and moved to Summerlin.
Spent 19 years in Henderson. Not bad. I would go back if home prices were more affordable(I'm retired). Excellent hunting & fishing in the northern parts of the state. We easily filled tags every year for deer, elk, antelope. The buffets are priced way out of my pocketbook but that's just me. Gas is high & so are groceries. Utilities also high! Word of caution Vegas has turned into cali east & it affects politics! Lots of new firearm rules but livable. Like I said I would go back in a heartbeat. Made some great friends there especially hunting & shooting. I go back once a month for a 1200 yard varmint shoot at BRPC & CW dancing at Gilleys. Good luck.
Been there probably 40 times for Shot Shows and Tackle shows. Nice place to visit don't think I'd ever want to live there. On the other hand my cousin lived there for about 15 years and loved it. I still have a friend that lives in Henderson but comes back to Lake Ontario for the Summer.
Dry, (water shortage/deficit, Lake Mead shoreline is big, flat & muddy), hot, 2 life styles - common sense & crazy, close to California, good hi value restaurant eaties, lotz of hookers (escort capital of USA). Too dry & hot for me & uncomfortable with flamboyant recreational displays (sin).
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I was offered a job in Las Vegas and haven't been there for 26 years. I'm wondering what the hunting and fishing is like near there. And the general quality of life.
I lived there from 2000 to 2009. It was ok, nothing too exciting, people not necessarily too friendly, I was working way too much but in my spare time I enjoyed four-wheeling and exploring the desert, shooting coyotes, playing some golf. My wife became a drunk and a degenerate gambler (she's sober now for 12 years). I could have done better for her, but was selfish and caught up in my career and my hobbies, so not my favorite time. Made me a much better person on the other side...
las vegas GIF

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