What constitutes “long range hunting”?

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I wouldn't argue with most of the definitions stated for LR/ELR, but in practice, when the range exceeds 500 yards, I'm in full long range mode. My rifle, load, conditions, and target/game will define my long range maximum distance for the shot. The difference between LR and ELR seems ambiguous to me. I've shot antelope as far at 1188 yards when all conditions were understood and accounted for. Given this, I personally define ELR as the range beyond my current equipment/skill level, and something to strive towards. This process has been evolving for me over many years, when making a certain shot on an animal at 500 yards was a pipe dream
Ok, this Russian chick was a chick. Period. Your post is missing the mark.

He she whatever pronoun wanted to bring up their disapproval and so there was my response.

My point was that are things with absolute definitions. Long range is long range, a Apple is a Apple, purple is purple, the earth is round. These are definite and quantifiable things. You simply posted about a Russian sniper who got recently popular because she's basically a character on call of duty, yet no one is talking about women…
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Ok, this Russian chick was a chick. Period. Your post is missing the mark.

He she whatever pronoun wanted to bring up their disapproval and so there was my response.

My point was that are things with absolute definitions. Long range is long range, a Apple is a Apple, purple is purple, the earth is round. These are definite and quantifiable things. You simply posted about a Russian sniper who got recently popular because she's basically a character on call of duty, yet no one is talking about women…
That is the difference! You get your information from games! I get mine from my education and life! Do you even know how many Soviet women snipers were in WW2? Google it! How many survived? What rifle and scope they used and under what conditions?
You have a right to your opinion, but that's all, your opinion! And before you try and put somebody down, learn a bit about them first! Otherwise you come across like a bully, in my book, that's not a man!
Like I said before! My opinion! LR and ELR shooting, have been established by the competitive sport! LR and ELR hunting, my opinion, are subjective! My opinion, it takes a man NOT to pull the trigger than to pull it!
Big difference between hunting and shooting!
Again, my opinion! And you can not change it!
I wouldn't argue with most of the definitions stated for LR/ELR, but in practice, when the range exceeds 500 yards, I'm in full long range mode. My rifle, load, conditions, and target/game will define my long range maximum distance for the shot. The difference between LR and ELR seems ambiguous to me. I've shot antelope as far at 1188 yards when all conditions were understood and accounted for. Given this, I personally define ELR as the range beyond my current equipment/skill level, and something to strive towards. This process has been evolving for me over many years, when making a certain shot on an animal at 500 yards
Well said! I`m always trying to extend my ranges. The only way to achieve proficiency and understanding at distance, is trigger time. And I don`t mean shooting a week or so before opening day. My .02
That is the difference! You get your information from games! I get mine from my education and life! Do you even know how many Soviet women snipers were in WW2? Google it! How many survived? What rifle and scope they used and under what conditions?
You have a right to your opinion, but that's all, your opinion! And before you try and put somebody down, learn a bit about them first! Otherwise you come across like a bully, in my book, that's not a man!
Like I said before! My opinion! LR and ELR shooting, have been established by the competitive sport! LR and ELR hunting, my opinion, are subjective! My opinion, it takes a man NOT to pull the trigger than to pull it!
Big difference between hunting and shooting!
Again, my opinion! And you can not change it!
No I don't get my information form games. You sound like an idiot. Again, no one was talking about women shooters. I said a woman was woman and a man is a man lol. If that's being a bully then you're a delusional person that shouldn't be defining anything in the community.
Guess it really depends where in Texas, and how hard you want to look for hunting Senderos. Even in East TX my average shot is 200-250 but I have to look hard for straight logging cuts my best is 400 in same area. But then again just purchased property in Sonora Tx and 250 is fairly long with all of the cedars. Shredding a bunch of this stuff in hopes of increasing the opertunties.
Well I for one don't particularly care for the man/woman comparison but since i am definitely in the minority here it probably won't matter to anyone. I have shot long range, between 600 and 1000 yards. All of my shots at those distances have been at paper since I do not subscribe to shooting at animals (other than prairie dogs and vermin) at that range. I know my capabilities as well as my rifle/load's probably as well and maybe better than anyone on this site. I also know that the 1 MOA rifle under perfect circumstances which seldom present themselves when hunting at 500 yards means a perfect shot is only likely to hit within 5 inches of where the rifle was aimed when it discharged, hopefully the aiming point and all of the other things in-between worked out to make the bullet hit where you were pointing, but that seldom happen either. As ranges increases so does the errors. at 700 yards the perfect shot means that the bullet will hit within 7 inches, and at 1000 yards the bullet will hit within 10 inches of where you were aiming when the rifle sent it's message of death when the round broke, barring any atmospheric abnormalities in between. I hear a lot of people bragging about their magnificent shots when trying to execute animals at long range, but my question is, How many of those magnificent shots were first round hits at those ranges? Can anybody here actually claim to have a one shot kill at any range beyond 500 yards? If so please let me know and fill me in on the circumstances. As once said in a nationwide news rag, "Inquiring minds want to know." :oops:
615 yards on 130 pound hog one shot. 300 wm 190 grain bullet. She made approx. 30 yards.
Well I for one don't particularly care for the man/woman comparison but since i am definitely in the minority here it probably won't matter to anyone. I have shot long range, between 600 and 1000 yards. All of my shots at those distances have been at paper since I do not subscribe to shooting at animals (other than prairie dogs and vermin) at that range. I know my capabilities as well as my rifle/load's probably as well and maybe better than anyone on this site. I also know that the 1 MOA rifle under perfect circumstances which seldom present themselves when hunting at 500 yards means a perfect shot is only likely to hit within 5 inches of where the rifle was aimed when it discharged, hopefully the aiming point and all of the other things in-between worked out to make the bullet hit where you were pointing, but that seldom happen either. As ranges increases so does the errors. at 700 yards the perfect shot means that the bullet will hit within 7 inches, and at 1000 yards the bullet will hit within 10 inches of where you were aiming when the rifle sent it's message of death when the round broke, barring any atmospheric abnormalities in between. I hear a lot of people bragging about their magnificent shots when trying to execute animals at long range, but my question is, How many of those magnificent shots were first round hits at those ranges? Can anybody here actually claim to have a one shot kill at any range beyond 500 yards? If so please let me know and fill me in on the circumstances. As once said in a nationwide news rag, "Inquiring minds want to know." :oops:
I have personally made 1st round kills at over 1000 yards. Just because you can't or feel the need to even try doesn't mean it's not possible.
You wrote this:
"I also know that the 1 MOA rifle under perfect circumstances which seldom present themselves when hunting at 500 yards means a perfect shot is only likely to hit within 5 inches of where the rifle was aimed when it discharged". Little tip for ya, barring all external elements your said 1 moa rifle should place a bullet within 1/2 moa of intended point of impact.
Example: If your rifle is holding 1 moa at said 500 yards it's precision should be within 2.5" (2.6175" actual) of where your rifle was aimed.
If the precision of the rifle is hitting within 5" around your POA at 500 then that would make for a 10" circumference and you have closer to a 2 moa rifle/load.
What is long range shooting and extreme long range shooting I believe has been established by the compettive sports.
Long range hunting on the other hunt I think it is subjective.
If I am hunting in FLAT west texas for antelope....it can be one range
If I am hunting in Colorado..it can be a different range..
Then again, if I am on one hill side, and the game is on the other...with very clear view of surroundings..could be a third...
How I decide, is not the ability to shoot at that range, but whether I can find the wounded annimal in case not everything goes right.
That is MY Subjective Opinion/Decision Process, applied to ME!
you decide yours!
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