Western South Dakota


Jul 15, 2011
Hi I'm pretty new to South Dakota and I'm having trouble finding landowners who are willing to let a coyote hunter on their property, most already have been asked 50 times and get tired of the question, does anybody have any suggestions as to areas that ranchers are having difficulty with coyotes at?
Get a Walk-In booklet. Lot's of good land in there. Also lots of public land to choose from. You can download the Walk-In and public land info for your GPS for free.

Maddoc, yes there is a lot of public land out here in SD. you can view it on the SD GFP website at www.sdgfp.info and of course you can pick up paper maps from the closest GFP office. i plan on hunting in the grasslands of western SD this year, but if you find a place that has a lot of coyote hunting, let me know!
Maddoc, yes there is a lot of public land out here in SD. you can view it on the SD GFP website at www.sdgfp.info and of course you can pick up paper maps from the closest GFP office. i plan on hunting in the grasslands of western SD this year, but if you find a place that has a lot of coyote hunting, let me know!

I need to talk to GFP about the grasslands, last i check we can hunt it as long as we dont violate the vehicle driving plans they have in place
yeah there may be vehicle restrictions, though the last time i was on the grasslands in Stanley County we drove wherever we wanted. i'm not sure if that was entirely legal or not though :/
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