We're open for posting.

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
We\'re open for posting.

We're open for posting.
Looks like were up and running a bit. Time to get a few posts started.
[This message was edited by Admin on April 13, 2001 at 09:16 AM.]

posted April 11, 2001 06:01 PM

Steve Shelp

From: NC
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 6
We're here David. Hopefully things will start to pick up pretty soon. There enough interest out there.

posted April 11, 2001 10:40 PM

Dave King

From: Damascus, MD
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 13
Welcome to our new home!!

Still have quite an echo in here but I believe well be moving in some more forums and stuff soon.

At this site we should be able to take care of any problems we have with differing opinions among shooting/hunting types. I'm pretty excited about the prospects.

posted April 12, 2001 07:25 AM

Bud Meadows
New Member

From: Birmingham, MI
Registered: April 12, 2001
Posts: 2
This forum looks pretty cool. I know Len Backus from an outfitter we've both hunted with in Montana- HVO. He and I are going to be hunting in MT right after each other. Although my longest shot at a deer or elk is only in the 300 yard neighborhood, I've shot high power rifle competitively since 1970. My .308 hunting ammo is Lake City Match ammo with the 170 grain match bullet pulled, and a 165 grain Sierra SPBT in its place. In the Army, we used to call this "Mexican Match". The price is right (free) and I can practice enough to keep my zeroes up to date. I used to shoot A LOT in high power rifle matches (Camp Perry, Interservice Matches at Quantico, etc), and am rated a "High Master". I only shoot in my local club matches now, about 4 or 5 a summer. I've never lost a club match I've shot in, and my average hovers around 496/500. Last year, I shot a 499/500, dropping a point in rapid fire sitting. After 31 years of competitive shooting and the coaching, ammo and equipment I've received, this is not such a big deal.
posted April 12, 2001 09:36 AM

Dave King

From: Damascus, MD
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 13
Welcome to our forum!

I haven't shot highpower in a lot of years, last time was when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA. Only made it to Master class but had a real fine time and met some great shooters. High Master is a fine accomplishment.

Good luck on your hunt(s).

posted April 12, 2001 09:46 AM

kirk kelso
New Member

From: Tucson, Arizona USA
Registered: April 12, 2001
Posts: 3
Great idea! I look forward to some interesting conversations with knowledgable people on Long Range Hunting!
Kirk Kelso

posted April 12, 2001 04:24 PM

Dave King

From: Damascus, MD
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 13
Welcome back, haven't see any posts from you anywhere for a while.

I'm sure we all agree about looking forward to good posts and members. My hopes are that with the Long Range Hunting forums Len has established that we can draw in the folks that simply wouldn't have entertained the idea of posting in a standard hunting forum format.

Maybe we'll get more of the Long Range elite to show up, that would be a real treat and opportunity to learn and exchange ideas.

posted April 12, 2001 04:59 PM

Fergus Bailey

From: Australia
Registered: April 12, 2001
Posts: 11
Hi guys
Good to see this forum. I had been thinking of doing something very similar my self! It should be very comfortable here for the true believers .


posted April 12, 2001 09:00 PM

Allen in Texas
New Member

From: Levelland, TX USA
Registered: April 13, 2001
Posts: 2
Oh happy day. I am so glad to see this. I had just about completely stopped going to the other forum.
Hello All, I am happy to be here and honored to be invited. I love the rules.
posted April 13, 2001 08:27 AM

Dave King

From: Damascus, MD
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 13
Fergus and Allen
Welcome to our new home!

posted April 13, 2001 09:21 AM

CA Mike
New Member

From: Modesto, CA
Registered: April 13, 2001
Posts: 1
Smells like new paint in here!
Hey this is great guys! Thanks a lot.
CA Mike

posted April 13, 2001 10:26 PM


From: Canada
Registered: April 13, 2001
Posts: 7
Open for Posting
Dave and Len,
I look forward to sharing information with you guys. This is a great idea and I am confident that your participants will help each other a lot - maybe they will even pull trigger together someday.
posted April 14, 2001 12:36 AM

Dave King

From: Damascus, MD
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 13
CA Mike & IanM
Welcome aboard!

CA Mike, you could be right about the new paint smell. There is likely some more painting to do so grab a brush and join the crew let's get this place fitted out and filling up.


Good idea about pulling trigger, I mentioned a Long Range "Jamboree" a while back and we let that post fade to oblivion. Darryl Cassel mentioned an annual shoot in PA on Father's Day but it'd be nice to revisit the "Jamboree" deal.

posted April 14, 2001 05:43 AM

Gary Rihn

From: TN
Registered: April 14, 2001
Posts: 11
I'm finally here! Looks like I'm the lucky 13th post on this one. Heck, lived thru Friday the 13th yesterday, so it can't be too bad... :)
posted April 14, 2001 07:16 AM

New Member

Registered: April 15, 2001
Posts: 3
Look'n Good!!
David. . .
You're going to have a great forum on your hands in no time at all.

This will be an ideal place for the serious to converse without having to put up with the
"let's beat'em up" crowd.

I'll be visiting from time to time but from just having 95% of my stomach removed because of cancer, I think most of my triiger pulling days are behind me.

But I can still enjoy a good discussion on the subject...

posted April 16, 2001 07:40 PM

Gary Rihn

From: TN
Registered: April 14, 2001
Posts: 11
So sorry to hear the news. What can I say that you haven't heard before...

Every time I see your name on these boards, I think of the time you tried to recruit me into the USMC.

Take care & believe me, my thoughts are with you.

posted April 17, 2001 04:14 PM

New Member

Registered: April 15, 2001
Posts: 3
Hey Gary
All I can say is Gary that the Marines would benefit greatly if they had their hands on you.
Course I'm not sure you'd feel the same way about them...:D

Don't go feeling sorry for me, hell, I've dodge tons of bullets in my time. The truth is no one can dodge them all and I finally caught mine.

At least I know my time is coming and I'm prepaired to meet my God. In the meantime, I enjoy my days more than ever.

Take care...;)

posted April 18, 2001 05:31 PM

Steve Shelp

From: NC
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 6
I admire your outlook considering your current situation. Thinking of ya brother. I was born at Camp Lejuene while my father was stationed there and my oldest son was born at Cherry Pt when I was stationed there.
Semper Fidelis!

posted April 19, 2001 10:52 AM
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