Well boys got scammed on gunbroker(possibly resolved)

Also yes he has been told there are many people looking for his head lmao it was very shortly thereafter I got a tracking number ! Guys I hope somehow I was wrong in this and it all works out good but I'm not very optimistic about it just yet ! I also found out that gunbroker does not support PayPal purchases and they said that anybody that asks for PayPal should be reported so there's a flag right there !
Also yes he has been told there are many people looking for his head lmao it was very shortly thereafter I got a tracking number ! Guys I hope somehow I was wrong in this and it all works out good but I'm not very optimistic about it just yet ! I also found out that gunbroker does not support PayPal purchases and they said that anybody that asks for PayPal should be reported so there's a flag right there !
I had emailed him a link to this thread. He appears to be a brand new seller. He just got a quick education in service and communications. Hoping this isn't a problem, but try here. https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?IncludeSellers=4407011
Or email him at, [email protected]
Doesn't have everything, but he seems able to find what I need.
I haven't bought anything off GB in about 4 years. Bought an NEF single shot. Seller said butt plate missing. He was right. He didn't mention the inch and a half piece of stock that was cut off. I kept it and bought another stock. I bought another one a year later, paid by credit card, and the seller called me 3 days later and said he wouldn't sell to anyone in CA. I reported him to GB and they said he did not have to sell it to me. That was after charging my credit card!!!! The money was refunded. I'd be leery using them.
So two days ago my desperation for reloader 19 for the best of me and I bought a pound on gun broker from a guy with 1 a plus review , didn't think for a second he would be a scammer it says verified seller and everything and had multiple listings . So when I contacted him to make payment I proceed to tell him if he has anymore rl19 come available I'll buy more gladly. he said he had 3 more pounds if I wanted them so of course me being me and as bad I need it I said sure thing so I made payment , as soon as payment was made all communication has stopped I can't get a response ! So I finally found a phone number on his gunbroker profile and sent message , the phone owner said that one of his friends sold the powder with his account and he had to get in touch with him for tracking !! Needless to say it's def a scam and I'm out a little over 300 bucks ! The username is fatboi1919. Buyers beware !
So two days ago my desperation for reloader 19 for the best of me and I bought a pound on gun broker from a guy with 1 a plus review , didn't think for a second he would be a scammer it says verified seller and everything and had multiple listings . So when I contacted him to make payment I proceed to tell him if he has anymore rl19 come available I'll buy more gladly. he said he had 3 more pounds if I wanted them so of course me being me and as bad I need it I said sure thing so I made payment , as soon as payment was made all communication has stopped I can't get a response ! So I finally found a phone number on his gunbroker profile and sent message , the phone owner said that one of his friends sold the powder with his account and he had to get in touch with him for tracking !! Needless to say it's def a scam and I'm out a little over 300 bucks ! The username is fatboi1919. Buyers beware !
Caveat Emptor...Buyer Beware
I'm sorry it happened to you.
It could have just as easily been me.
I had emailed him a link to this thread. He appears to be a brand new seller. He just got a quick education in service and communications. Hoping this isn't a problem, but try here. https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?IncludeSellers=4407011
Or email him at, [email protected]
Doesn't have everything, but he seems able to find what I need.
Yea I think he is probably just new and don't maintain communication very well lol also maybe getting it set up where people can use credit cards would prob help too to avoid PayPal all together ! Use gunbroker pay or something like that , also thanks for that I will get up with him !
Yea I think he is probably just new and don't maintain communication very well lol also maybe getting it set up where people can use credit cards would prob help too to avoid PayPal all together ! Use gunbroker pay or something like that , also thanks for that I will get up with him !
Don't know what you are loading, but I just got some Hogdon Superperformance, and Winchester Staball 6.5 from him. What he has is going quick.
I also suggested he lppk into Hammer bullets since they seem to be extremely popular here. I prefer Lehigh, and he can get them.
FWIW. Get in touch with either/ both your local PD / Postmaster and tell them you want to charge these two butt heads with wire fraud. It might take a while but at least it's an attempt to recover the money from the perps!
Like your thought process. Class C felony will change their tune. That's just it though, there are so many people that will not lift a finger to catch these guys. They know there might be one guy out of 100 that will actually take action. Now to get someone off their duff and do their job. Had to do it myself with my son's stolen four wheeler. Had to gather all the info, which was right there, and provide it to the sheriff. Still had to push those lamos into taking action. Finally it happened and I think we got maybe $125 before he skipped out of the state. That's okay maybe when he comes back, which that dummy probably will, we will catch him. Don't let these guys work the system!
I saw a fake Leupold Mark 4 on GB sometime back. Verified it was fake by Leupold. Notified GB 4 times. They didn't do a single thing.
Buyer beware.
GunBroker is notorious for not caring at all about anything but their profits. They'll let someone accumulate a dozen Fs as long as the dirtbag has occasional As mixed in there. And they will bend or break any of their own rules for any of their "Top XX" sellers. Many of the "Top XX" sellers are really just drop shippers. Drop shippers use a dishonest business model that consists of selling things they don't have, that are at their distributor, but they make it look like they have it in stock and it's in one of their "warehouses", their euphemism for "distributor. Well, when COVID hit, they got caught with their pants down because the distributors couldn't supply what they'd already sold, so they were racking up hundreds of Fs from ticked off customers. So what did GunBroker do about it? They wrote a program that DELETED everyone's F feedbacks going back since COVID started.

I sell on GB only because, like ebay for non-gun stuff, it's the only viable game in town, so I'm forced to use them. But I, like most FFLs I know, sure have a very low opinion of them.

I got ripped off by a "Top xx" seller this fall. Not only would GB do nothing about it, the seller, being one of GB's "top" sellers, was even able to get my F feedback deleted after I posted it.
Gunbroker was bought out last year, but I don't know if things have changed/will change. In the past it was almost as bad as craigslist. Scammers everywhere, with little recourse for the buyer, unless a credit card was used.
It's Fatboi1919 but I'm gonna hold off bashing him anymore until I see if he actually sent the package , I received tracking a bit ago , I hope I was wrong and it's legitimate !
I got no hit on a user named Fatboi1919 but if you got tracking it may be OK. Some buyers and sellers have horrible communication practices, even if they do eventually send the payment or product.
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