Vortex Viper 6.5-20x44 V-Plex @ $279.99 are Back


Official LRH Sponsor
Dec 3, 2007
Old Bethpage NY


We just were informed that our next shipment of the Vortex Viper 6.5-20x44 V-Plex Matte Black Riflescopes have left the factory. We will once again be offering this awesome scope @ only $279.99


We are now accepting Pre-Orders for this scope with an expected delivery date of November 1st (It may be sooner or slightly later depending on the time the shipment takes to clear customs) The last shipment of these were sold out before they arrived so if you are interested please contact Doug or Neil @ 212-753-5128 or place an order thru our web site

We also have a few of the Vortex Viper 2-7x32 Riflescopes @ $199.99 in both V-Plex and BDC that we had Vortex make more of for us.

Thanks for all the support and have a great day.
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