Vanguard s2 rc re-barrel


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
My vanguard s2 in 270 win. has 1700 rds shot through its factory barrel. Its had good days ( 8 point whitetail 310 yards) and because it has a throat of cheap hooker im getting 140gr SGK to 3050 fps with h4350. Thus it turnned out to be quite the barrel burner.
I need advice on rebarreling. Douglas will work on metric threads, square the action and install XX ss barrel for under $600.
Also Im considering 6.5 284 for 140gr performance and bullet selection. Anyone have better option on smithing / barrels? And as far as ACCURACY is concerned am I on the right track on 270 win. vs 6.5 284?
It's a 270 (winchester). Ming you I have a thousand bullets all dies and 900 pc of brass but I guess I could re form the brass to 6.5 284?
The reason is that 6.5 284 is the only other cartridge im interested in that I can keep the same bolt face and keep the long action the same.
It's a 270 (winchester). Ming you I have a thousand bullets all dies and 900 pc of brass but I guess I could re form the brass to 6.5 284?

Well you can always sell the bullets and dies, and yeah, you'll take a little loss. You can probably get a little for the brass too. The 284 and 270 cases are the same capacity, so the 6.5 will be a little more over bore, but I do like the bullet options and brass better. 50 pieces of Lapua brass will last the life of the barrel, probably 2 barrels.
you can go with a 6.5-06AI. you will have good bullet selection. then trim your 270 brass to length then go shoot.gun)
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