US Shoots Down Object Over Alaska

Last few years has taught me if the press is chasing a shiny object like party streamers and balloons, it's a diversion from something stupid they don't want us angry over.

Anything that boosts the trillions spent on planes that went over budget but lined pockets seems to make the news. Hooray we shot down a balloon, what's the battle economics 100,000 to 1....
"The Federal Aviation Administration has abruptly canceled a "national defense airspace" over part of Lake Michigan, the organization announced Sunday."

Wthello is going on? I pick up party balloons all the time on the lake, nbd.
Yep, 75 plus years ago, Harry S. Truman, gave a bit less air time, after he sent in a couple B-29's to drop a final sayonara boys, out of the hatches to bring an end to WWII.. Kinda makes ya wonder, all this fanfare, and smoke screenD logistics , to a bunch of 1/2 baked, wandering, yard sale, busted balloons. Ya couldn't make it up , to be be any less believable.
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They do have it on most aircraft, used to detect wind shear and other things safety related in commercial aviation. No idea if thin parachute type material would bounce back with Dopler.
Wonder why it didn't bounce off the 60' x 10' solar panel array hanging off the bottom? You would think that would make a good solid surface.

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