US forest issues kill order for feral cows in New Mexico

We're all missing the fundamental problem. This "problem" should be resolved locally and not by a woke appointee in Washington. I'd trust the people of New Mexico before I'd trust the Secretary of Agriculture. The feds will kill the cows from helicopters without regard for cost or waste because this adminisration cannot allow the lawful use of firearms by law abiding citizens to provide the solution.
I find this thread very interesting for an ole Swamp Trapper from the deep south Louisiana! Where did you hang a beef for 2 weeks and not have it spoil? Down here a hi temp of <45 deg weather happens for only a few day in January or February.......... sometimes LOL.
It depends on your location. I'm in SE Pa & butchering was generally done in late fall. When temps dropped. And some people had butcher houses that stayed fairly cool even if the temps rose a little. It would not let the meat spoil. We usually butchered near the end of Nov. Right before deer season. So then we could use the fat off the back, from the beef or pork to mix in the deer. Just to help keep it together & fry better. Too much fat will ruin your meat. Being down south walkin cold storage could be quite handy.
I grew up on range feed beef that had no fat on it . If we feed it grain that we raised it cut into our profits. I remember going out late in the fall when it got cold and shooting a big dry cow and hanging it for a couple of weeks then cutting it up into steaks,roasts and burger. Grandma canned a good amount in the pressure cooker and put it in the root cellar for next summer. Every cut was tougher than shoe leather. The burger was good but very dry and got mixed with ground pork that we raised. The canned beef was to die for when used in a stew or with noodles. If I had the chance to go on this type of hunt I would in a heart beat , pressure can a bunch,make sausage.
Cut some into cubes for stir fry. I'd buy some pork butts and grind it with the beef 70% beef to 30%pork for burger and the sausage. You can buy the seasonings at Amazon, sportsman warehouse etc. Better than a old mule deer in the rut that got gut shot and got hung in camp for a few days.
Something I have had great luck with is to mix, say, 25# if venison with 16oz or so of olive oil in stead of pork butt. Obviously will not yield as much vol., but mixes easier, and equipment clean-up is a whizz. Does not change the taste, meat is moist and cheaper than pork.
Why not just open up a season for the public to harvest these Feral Cows?
Click the link below. US Forest is going to shoot from helicopters and let rot.

This is crazy. You and I are paying for this idiocy. USFS has bowed to the tree hugger gods/religion and won't even discuss removing the feral horse and burro herds in AZ that seriously overgraze, destroy stream banks, native plant life, destroy wildlife habitat and the overall ecology wherever they decide to wander.
There is a hell of a lot of jerky on the hoof that could feed hundreds of people.
Why not just open up a season for the public to harvest these Feral Cows?
Click the link below. US Forest is going to shoot from helicopters and let rot.

Why do you need a season....they aren't a Game animal so who can tell you that you can't shoot one! Just like wild least to my way of thinking....government wants them the government a favor...go fill your freezer!
Why do you need a season....they aren't a Game animal so who can tell you that you can't shoot one! Just like wild least to my way of thinking....government wants them the government a favor...go fill your freezer!
Read all the posts, they are protected by NM law. This is a case where fed law of protecting the land conflicts with state livestock law. This issue of removing these cattle has been going on for at least 30 yrs that I've been in that country. Feds have tried other ways to remove them which none has worked to control the herd. These cattle aren't doing anyone any good, give ranchers a black eye, take up resources from game animals and no one is getting benefit from these feral cattle. Ariel gun is the best and really only choice to remove them. They just could have been a little smarter in the application of it. Feds aren't the bad guys in this case
Gather them up, brand them and start.your.own herd of cattle. Isn't that what was done in the past?
15 miles in a rough *** wilderness it has been tried and failed. The bulls have death in their eyes. Last guys I knew contracted to remove them would rope a bull, tie to a tree, starve it for a couple days then put a bull ring and lead them out at night. 2 riders about 4 days to get 1 bull out, not to mention the horses they went through trying to get one caught.

You can't drive a wild herd they are like trying to herd elk in a rock pile with thick as brush everywhere

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