umm need advice on neck tension

Do they make any belted mag cases?
No one needs the belt but its nice to have one set of go no go gages for many calibers
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Another reason I like winchester is that it has large case capacity compared to say R.P. REMINGTON.
Coincidently my latest lot of 300pices of win. 7mag brass (my guns have seperate brass to unto itself) had a spread of 5.5 grains but one had a fold on the shoulder. But sill not a bad lot
Unfortunately I wont hunt with amax anymore.


  • 2013-02-22 22.39.06.jpg
    2013-02-22 22.39.06.jpg
    68.4 KB · Views: 53
This is 62.0 imr4350 cci 250 168 vld . Im getting much better velocity without pressure with h1000 and cci250 but seems my sweet spot is goin to be just under.5 for 5 shots.


  • 20130923_211619.jpg
    92.6 KB · Views: 92
No thats .287" center to center from 100 yards. I use hornady oal guage but ignore the actual measurement but the vld hunter load is .020 from the lands
Yeh I tried to find amax last week .midway said they are seasonal . whatever thats supposed to be.
Yeh I tried to find amax last week .midway said they are seasonal . whatever thats supposed to be.
seasonal for hornady right now means temp. discontinued due to high demand on other bullets. It takes time to swap out swaging dies, etc. to make a different pill, so they are making more bullets with the same # of machines by limiting switch over time.
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