Tripod Shot Positions and Western Hunting


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Feb 16, 2017
North Idaho
Are you setup to shoot off of a tripod for hunting this year? It doesn't have to be a heavyweight shooting tripod! Lots of people use lightweight glassing tripods as a "shot option". I will have my tripod with me on my august rifle elk hunt. It's a must in tall sage brush areas that otherwise you would really struggle to get a shot.

I will be adding to this thread with photos and explanations of shot positions I prefer and how I execute them in the field.

If anyone is already using some of our rails for shooting off there tripod, I would love some photos for our IG and Facebook!

Tripods are the only thing I use anymore. I use one for glassing, so it makes zero sense to add the weight of a bipod when I can throw my rifle in the same tripod I use for glassing, be steadier, and have more options for shooting positions from prone lower than a bipod can go up to standing.
I'll get some photos and descriptions up this weekend, but I forgot that I ran over my tripod, so I'm back to one that has a center post and can't get very low like for prone, but it will work for now!
I am seriously considering upgrading my trusty 20 year old Stoney Point Pole Cat bi-pod for rifle use (I will always use it for handgun hunting) and moving to a tri-pod. So far the thing holding me back is the price for the lightweight units that collapse short enough to ride on my pack.
I am interested in seeing what the tri-pod hunters are using in the $300 price range.
I am seriously considering hanging up my trusty Stoney Point Pole Cat bi-pod (20 years old) and moving to a tri-pod. So far the thing holding me back is the price for the lightweight units that collapse short enough to ride on my pack.
I am interested in seeing what the tri-pod hunters are using in the $300 price range.
This is my heavy one, cost under $200 from Amazon....


And this is my light one, 2.5 lbs, cost $89 from Amazon, and after I went through it and cleaned it up and applied lock tite to all the screws, works great. Not as smooth as a $500+ set up of course, but has worked fantastic for everything from 300 yard pronghorn to 887 yard elk the last couple years.

Yep. I help instruct long range hunting courses and positional shooting. All my guns and optics are set up to run off a tripod. I practice positional regularly. The bonus is that the tripod I run is around 3.5lbs and will extend long enough for standings shots. I have rung steel at 1000 without much issue using a trigger stick for additional rear support. Tripod use is legit and it generally goes with me everywhere.

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