

Active Member
May 3, 2024
As hunters I'm sure there's probably a higher percentage of us that deal with Tinnitus. I really wish I had an adult mentor in my hunting life that would have cautioned me on it as a kid. Years of mowing lawns as a high school job, tons of bird hunting, etc all with no hearing protection is a bad recipe.

Ive had it for years but it never was very bad. But the last few months it has really ramped up. Almost seemingly for no reason. Any loud noise at all will set it off bad, and it can be deafening. Even weirder as I have been rolling with extremely expensive in ears for about a year now to help preserve what I have left.

Anyone else had this happen? Not sure if it's just age related or whatever. Checked the blood pressure, it's not that.
Me too! I have one competition shotgun with close to a million rounds through it. I am nearly death, but can heat my ears ringing loud and clear. damage is cumulative, and hearing protection only lengthens the process. Shoot enough and you will lose your hearing. The good news is if you turn your back you have absolutely no idea what wife is saying. Not as bad a deal as some propose LOL.
I've not known silence in over 30 years. The high pitched noise I hear can wake me up at nights. I have difficulty hearing certain higher pitch tones, but not so much with lower ones.
I have had the same problem for many years. It becomes a problem when trying to hear vacuum leaks on vehicles. I always hear a vacuum leak.
I've about 90% loss in both ears...with tinnitus it pushes to about 97% loss...
The white noise the audiologist can put into the hearing aids dies help "MASK" the tinnitus while wearing them...but boy..when you pull them from the ears at night it sure tells you what tinnitus sounds like.....mine screams...so many different volumes and tones it nerve racking....
While I was proceeding to get hearing aids I asked the Dr about what causes can trigger hearing loss....
Loud noises....
Continuous noise....
Sudden extreme noise....
Concussions....damaged nerves cells in the head and neck....
So I asked about concussions and tinnitus in relation to suicidal tendencies and actual suicide....and two of the Dr confirmed this.....the other declined to answer....
So I guess the film that Will Smith was in fighting for professional football players links to concussions and suicide isn't that far off.....it may just be another hidden norm...but it was definitely something the NFL didn't want to admit..

So..I can remember serious helmet to helmet hits growing up....neck injuries...
...I just dont recall when the actual tinnitus ringing started....but it doesn't matter now....it's here til the end........
Yep, me too. My doctor says it is just older age and nothing can be done about eleviating it. The only thing that appears to help some is hearing aids.
It can't be because of "just older age"...because some older people i know still have perfect hearing.....
20 years of concerts plus when I started shooting I don't think there was any such thing as ear protection. Add to that 25 years of IHMSA, shooting every weekend. We wore muffs,but when you walked off the line at the end of the day you knew what a punching bag felt like,just from the concussion.

Then we can't forget the drag races,had to have a pit pass.

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