TICKS & INSECTS!!!!!!!!!

Worst year I have ever seem for ticks in Central VA. I took a short walk down one of my forest roads about a month ago (grass was tall) and quickly ended up with over 30 of all sizes crawling up my pants leg. It has been like that any time I go out in any tall grass in the shade.
Worst year I have ever seem for ticks in Central VA. I took a short walk down one of my forest roads about a month ago (grass was tall) and quickly ended up with over 30 of all sizes crawling up my pants leg. It has been like that any time I go out in any tall grass in the shade.
Not good, several years ago I was hog hunting in a sand field and I looked down and on my pant legs were about 20-30 of them marching their way up towards my waistband. I plucked each one off and thumped it as far as I could, when I got home I had the wife to look all over, and luckily I did not have any attached. Yes I got two hogs on the hunt.

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