Thread Hi-Jacking: Personal Assaults Becoming Norm?

Well in all reality, there isn't much more to discuss. Pretty much every topic has been beaten to death over the years. How many "what brass is best for my 6.5 man bun?" threads do we really need?

The majority of the true hunters/shooters that helped build this site many years ago are gone, banned or started their own forums.

So, when when "new" topics get posted about products that are in a class of their own, new magic cartridges that don't build pressure, BC not being advantageous in the wind, bullet failures without recovering the animal etc etc....the boredom turns into interest and emotions come out.
People want their opinions to carry more weight than anyone else, no matter their experience level.

Lack of real world ties or accountability allows their manufactured personality to be anything they can dream up.

This will only get worse. Prophecy will continue to be fulfilled.
"Earthly authority displays itself in giving orders, in magnificent apparel, in hordes of servitors, in sycophantic addresses; the authority of Jesus disposes of is, by contrast, spiritual, and expresses itself in serving, not being served, in seeking to be the least instead of the greatest, the last instead of the first, in finding wisdom in the innocence of children and truth in the foolishness of men rather than in those who pass for being sagacious and experienced in the world's ways. When we want to adulate men, we say they are godlike; but when God became Man, it was in the lineaments of the least of men."

Malcolm Muggeridge
Having been a participant on this forum(a well as a few others in particular areas of interest) for well over a decade. the total number of participants has universally increased quite radically with most all of them. While good in some aspects, it also increases the frequency of nuts, trolls, combatants, etc. I think I have managed to get lots of value(and maybe provide some) from this forum by being more selective of the threads I choose to participate in, and ignoring the unproductive ones. Overall, lots of good and knowledgeable people on this forum, just have to weed out the duds. They usually go away when ignored.
I haven't been here long but I can usually spot threads to ignore and I do, just like a few that are always on those threads.
I joined this forum to learn from people that have way more experience than me but I've noticed things go sideways in a hurry compared to older threads that I search.
As Greyfox said, ignore and it goes away!
Well in all reality, there isn't much more to discuss. Pretty much every topic has been beaten to death over the years. How many "what brass is best for my 6.5 man bun?" threads do we really need?

The majority of the true hunters/shooters that helped build this site many years ago are gone, banned or started their own forums.

So, when when "new" topics get posted about products that are in a class of their own, new magic cartridges that don't build pressure, BC not being advantageous in the wind, bullet failures without recovering the animal etc etc....the boredom turns into interest and emotions come out.
Fair amount of truth!
Too many IMO on gun forums today think that forums are some type of fraternity. We all come from different walks of life, and surely don't share the same interests, and all may have different reasons for being here. Say if 20 of us were on the firing line of a range, I seriously doubt there would be the camaraderie that we expect right here.
Add in the fact that on a forum most take on some type of personality, or better choice of words, a form. This becomes how we handle ourselves.
So, we have the people that treat forums like their personal FB pages, look at me, I made cookies today, and need validation.
How about site sponsors, with a layer of protection built in, bad mouth their product for some reason, now you are out of bounds. All in the guise of "furthering the sport". I hear those 3 words and all I get is, I am here to make a name for myself and make money. I'll admit that I am quite different than most, but when the enthusiasm gets heightened to unbearable levels, my B.S. meter pegs out.
I could ramble on like a lunatic here, but I think we all need some type of forum survival measures. What we can and cannot deal with, bypass threads that bug you, engage in the ones that interest you.
I have had this talk with 300 Whisper for yrs, I feel like we are on forums after the initial learning stages for some type of validation we are missing in our lives. Anyone who can stay fully involved on a forum for 10+ yrs, really needs to re-evaluate his very existence.
Gun forums across the board are a train wreck, you want nice, go to Rimfire Central, no one will say boo to you, but you will also read about some clown who is concerned about recycling cardboard with a ORM D sticker on it, will he become a target.
I haven't been here long but I can usually spot threads to ignore and I do, just like a few that are always on those threads.
I joined this forum to learn from people that have way more experience than me but I've noticed things go sideways in a hurry compared to older threads that I search.
As Greyfox said, ignore and it goes away!
I see your posts, and I am glad you are taking notice of what is happening. My ignore list of members/threads is rather long and growing. But they still manage to come to my threads and ruin/lock them. I wish it would go away that easily.
I see your posts, and I am glad you are taking notice of what is happening. My ignore list of members/threads is rather long and growing. But they still manage to come to my threads and ruin/lock them. I wish it would go away that easily.
I think I am going to stay on the Cooking Corner from now on, at least there we express preferences without animocity
The ignore function is the most wonderful feature of forums these days. I haven't seen anything childish in at least a week on here.

There are nearly 120,000 members. I have 74 people on ignore, and growing. Anytime I see someone post something ridiculous and childish, I put them on ignore. Even when I'm not involved in the thread. This place is amazing now. It's always astonishing to me how few disruptors it takes to cause massive problems in a social space. It's always the same people, every single day. It's like a cancer. Cut the cancer out, and everything goes back to normal.
With the idea of self-policing, what mechanisms are most effective and universal for shutting down or otherwise ending the discussion/dispute on a problem thread without just calling in Len? Obviously it can be ignored and people can choose to not post, but inevitably someone new will come along and add to the fire or the parties going at it will continue to do so until they tire themselves out. What else does that leave?