Thief caught on Camera!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
My daughter and I went up the mountain this weekend to retrieve my bait barrel and to my surprise it was gone. my camera was still there though and I got a few pics of the perp. i posted these pics on Facebook and 4 people have identified him as the same person so im going to the Sheriffs department in the morning.

Nice...another tree hugger gets what they deserve. Haha..would have been funny if a bear came up the same time he did. That would have been some interesting trail cam pics!
Heck yeah I was. I figured someone doing such a thing would locate the camera before going in and cover it with a hat or something...or steal the camera. I had it locked in a steel box with a padlock. But still wouldn't be hard to take.... nice to see the pictures I'm looking forward to seeing what happens
Does Wyoming have hunter harassment laws? If so, do they have more teeth than petty theft laws? Once the legal side is handled I'd post pictures in his neighborhood informing his neighbors this guy can't keep his hands off other peoples stuff.
Maybe he was just really hungry....

Hope he gets what's coming to him. Tikkamike, good for you for choking down the primal urge to go to this guys house and punch him square in his pie-hole. Hope the Sheriff makes it hell on him.

Pretty simple to just leave other people's stuff alone.
I'm glad you caught the SOB!

Not to hijack the thread, but this may be a good place to vent.

Our little village does not have a gas station. I keep 3 five gallon gas cans to refill my pickup on the weekends that I hunt. My uncle came out this weekend and we went bow hunting for antelope and deer. Yesterday I needed to add some gas to the pickup, but someone had lifted my gas cans! Talk about ****ed!

I called the Sheriff today to report. It seems someone in a black sedan had stolen gas cans from others in the village last week too. It is not anyone local, so I doubt they ever find him.

Stealing is messed up! Bottom line!

The positive thing about this weekend was that my Uncle killed a nice 14 in antelope with his bow at 60 yards, and a tom turkey at 50 yards.
here are pics of the barrel rolling down the hill...maybe the barrel is at the bottom i didnt even think to walk to the edge down below and look. or maybe he actually took it with him who knows. I bont enjoy packing the barrel too far so im not sure why he would go to the work of hauling it out. i only had the chains secured with caribeaners because I was pretty sure bears didnt know how to work them, but I guess ill be putting a lock on from now on.

I went to the sheriffs office this morning and they pulled up the name of the guy I had heard it looked like and printed a pic of his drivers license picture and sure enough looks exactly like him. so the deputy is headed over to talk to him and will call me later with an update
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