Scope for the new varmint rife


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
Southern Ontario
I just bought a Remington Model 700 SPS Varmint chambered in 243. win, and im thinking of loading 87 grain v-max. I need a scope for medium to long range shots (600 yards max). A decent amount of the time the shots will be from 150 to 400 yards. I took a look at the Vortex Viper but for some reason i just cant seem to get my hands on it. So then i looked at the Nikon Buckmaster, Nikon Monarch and the Leuopld VX-II. What do you think is the best way to go?

I think i may go with the Nikon Monarch 4-16X42mm with BDC
If i were scoping that rig i'd look seriously at a Zeiss with Rapid_Z 600 or the Leupold with Varmint Hunter's reticle. I have always appreciated a tree reticle system for a more direct system of windage reference.
That's an excellent system for LR coyotes to ~600 yards. A buddy of mine is shooting an AR-10 243 with the 87 V-Max also and made 3 1st shot kills last year on coyotes at 785 (dialed) 650 and 535 yards. Last 2 were with Leupold VH reticle in a 6.5-20x VX-III.
i think any of the scopes mentioned will work, i would just recommend a BDC type of reticle especially for shooting coyotes. they're not exactly a sit around and get a good shot at me kinda animal. i'm partial to a reticle hold for shots under 600 for hunting big game. over that, start crankin the turrets. guess i'll cast my vote for the viper,i recently bought one of the 6-20's and can say i'm very impressed with it's performance.
I just sold my Buckmaster 6-18 for a Vortex Viper with target dot in 6.5-20. It was worth the exchange. I would suggest either a fine cross hair or the target dot. It will be easier to see the critters far away. I would go either way with the Vortex or Monarch. If I get another Nikon it would be the Monarch. But I sure do like my Vortex.

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