School me on weatherbies


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2016
have a line on a perfect mark 5 in 300 westherby, stainless fluted barrel, what looks to be a bell and carson stock. Doesnt look to have any use. It has a 3-9 vx2 on it as well. They will take 1150. Seems like a great deal. It's very light so i'm sure its a recoil heavy rig. Do i need it ? No. But i think it would be a very nice addition to my gun locker. Currently i have a 6.5 swede, 7mm rem mag and a 30/06. The 7 mag is very heavy. Love the bolt lift on the weatherby. I would be handloading for it. Please chime in. Thanx
Sounds like a great buy. Love my .300 in a vanguard however waiting to buy a quality stock for it. I did put a brake on mine due to a shoulder injury. Definantly consider having the option to put one on. You can always take it off.
have a line on a perfect mark 5 in 300 westherby, stainless fluted barrel, what looks to be a bell and carson stock. Doesnt look to have any use. It has a 3-9 vx2 on it as well. They will take 1150. Seems like a great deal. It's very light so i'm sure its a recoil heavy rig. Do i need it ? No. But i think it would be a very nice addition to my gun locker. Currently i have a 6.5 swede, 7mm rem mag and a 30/06. The 7 mag is very heavy. Love the bolt lift on the weatherby. I would be handloading for it. Please chime in. Thanx

I like their action but not a fan of proprietary cartridge. Having said that, I have a full custom rifle in .30 LARA that can shoot the factory .300 WBTY ammo in a pinch.

.300 WBTY vs .30 LARA.jpg

(Factory 180 SP .300 WBTY ammo vs .30 LARA with 220 ELD-X)


(.300 WBTY AI vs .30 LARA)

Since you're going to reload do a quick check of your brass options as part of your consideration.
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Love my 300wby, was a tack driver till a few years ago. I finally used up the barrel. They do kick a smite but a muzzle brake will take care of that. I have that same gun in 340wby but it's a safe queen, the action is awesome. Go for it. 190gr ABLR over H1000 will get the job done on any animal in the Americas and most in Africa out as far you'll care to shoot. PM me for some loads if you need them, I have quite a few.
280, gave my 300 Wby to my son. It is quite accurate and brass is available from several manufacturers. Hand loads are definitely the way to go to make shooting it much more economical. The 3-9 Leupold won't get you very far, perhaps a 4-16X50 would be a good fit. A look in the barrel with a borescope on a used Wby is almost mandatory. Good luck
Sounds like your pretty Excited !!! It's a Great Carthridge for sure , yes being liter she's gonna buck more that's a Given , brass is more & something to consider , try n get her Without the scope , as mentioned 3x9 is Very limited !,a brake might be a must because she's so lite , but yes she'd make a fine addition to your stable for sure !!! Cheers n good shopping !
Thanks guy's i'm think gonna go for it, i had plans of putting the 3-9 on another rig and going with something that is a better match to the rifle. I was looking for a long rAnge boomer, the other cartridge i had in mind was the 338 rum . I'm going to see if i can get my hands on a bore scope , but like i said , this thing looks unfired. I have to wait till Tuesday, they are closed until then.
If/when I buy used rifles, I try to get them at a price that I would pay for just the action. Not just Weatherby's.

I like some of the Weatherby's better with custom barrels and chambers-the freebore in some is over the top in my opinion.

That said I'm always on the lookout for a .257, that and a Colt Python are what's left on my bucket list.
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