Savage Rifles.??

Jake in NC

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2002
..I almost hate to ask as this almost always starts a Ford/Chevy debate.. But what have you guys THAT HAVE TRIED THEM found out about them.? I hear a lot of folks talking about how good they shoot but then again a lotta folks wouldn't know a good group if it walked up and kissed'em.!! The whole "modular rifle" concept is attractive but only if it works.. This isn't necessarily for a real "LR" unit.. I like that they're available in some great chamberings from Sharp Shooter's Supply.. Let's hear it.! Thanks.. d:^) JiNC
I have the 10fp in .308 and the 112 in .223 both will shoot under .5 MOA all day long. First one I owned was the 112. First 3 shots clover leafed and I thoght it was junk and wouldn't keep shots 2 and 3 on paper. **** was I wrong. 200 yards 5 shots .427. The .308 will hold .25-.5 with GMM and handloads. The triggers suck, people bitch about the stocks and the bolt lift is stiff but **** do they shoot.
Mine are the old style. Had a local GS set them to 3 lbs. Not as nice as my GA Precision but shootable.
Jake ... I have new and old trigger models in the laminate stocks (12/112bvss) and have excellent results shooting them. I replaced the old triggers with Sharp Shooter Supply triggers and like them as much as the new Accu-Trigger. The bolts do not work as slick as my Remington VS, but they shoot as good and cost $150 less. I only wish the laminate stock was available in left hand! Mike
Hey Jake: In August, I will be in Cary on the way west (never could get my directions right)to look for Pds. Maybe we could meet and you can shoot my 12 BVSS in .223 Rem. Shoots an average of .643" with the 75 A-max.
Jake, I own a 112 bvss in 300 WM that shoots .75 inch 5 shot groups at 100 yds with factory ammo. Can't wait to start reloading for it to see how tight it will go. I did have to replace the trigger though as I didn't care for the factory one.
hey Jake I have Savage 116 SAK 300RUM, it will put them in a 41cal hole at 100 yds and pretty much sub-min every other distance I have tried. I have several custom built guns and this Savage will hang in there with most of them.( I'm not saying I know anything about accuracy and what i know will go in a thimble)I have a friend who has a rifle real similar to mine and his is a shooter also
(3" group @ 635 yds measured.)
Howdy Jake... The newer Savages I have worked on are machined better than either the Remingtons or Winchesters, they are however in dior need of a real recoil lug if you want the bedding to live. They shoot better if you machine the barrel with a shoulder and pin the lug.

Several Savages I have worked on the recoil lugs were not even close to flat, the last one I did the lug was .007" thicker at 6 0'clock than it was at 12 0'clock.

[ 06-29-2003: Message edited by: S1 ]
Howdy Jake,
I have one Rem. 700 custom in 338-06, one Win 70 in 220 swift,one Win 70 Classic in 270 and some other stuff. In '96 I bought a 110FP Savage in 300 WM when they first came out with that model. Yep, crude but TUFF. Yep, bad trigger, crappy stock. I still have that rifle. The trigger was fixed by a smith, the stock was replaced with a McMillan(sic)A-2. Scope: Lupy 3.5x10 M1. Holland Ultra Mag muzzle break. This rifle has been a whole lot of fun to play with the last eight years. It WILL group five at 300yds(handloads)at 1.25" to 1.50" as long as I do my part. It did shoot a 86 with a 14.5 group(10 shots) at the Missoula 1000 yd bench match in '98. I have managed to go down to 10",five shot in pratice. All this in a stock rifle, other than the accessories. I have been wanting to rebarrel for some time, but the potlicker just keeps on putting 'em in there!!I have a little over 1700 rounds though it! I like the Savage 110, it,s a GOOD RIFLE!!!
.. Hey guys.. Thanks for the responses.. I picked up a little Savage the other day to play with.. Not exactly what I awnted but the price was right for an experiment.. It seems to be showing great promise with very little effort.. I look forward to more with these rifles... Thanks again.. d:^) JiNC

Cheap Varminter Experiment
The modular concept does work. They make a great experimenters rifle. I have a friend in Arizona that made a 300 Tomahawk on a the varmint version. You can switch the barrels, and the boltfaces, although some rounds are not real magazine freindly.

I have a 20-223 AI tube for mine, and a 19-223 Calhoon tube....

Need a LR tube. Thinking about a 34" something or 'nuther.
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