SAKO A7 long range barrel threading


May 29, 2018

  1. RTRNew Member
    New to the forum and have a question,I will be picking up my new A7 long range Friday and would like to have the barrel threaded for a muzzle brake while it's at the gun shop it has what sako calls heavy contour barrel,what thread count should I have them do,seem like 5/8x24 is really common but after some reading I found that your barrel thickness determines this,is this correct??,and it's a 300 win mag by the way
I haven't seen one in person yet but looks plenty big for a 5/8 24 thread
But you need to consider if your going use a suppresser or not should always go as big on the threads that you can most cans will work with 5/8 24 I wouldn't go any smaller than that not sure if this helps but good luck
Yes I will do a suppressor later on when I get the money,that was good looking out,thanks for the Info.
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