Sad Week

Hahahaha. Visited a old roommate/best friend in a big town the other day and he had a sign on his door "REALTORS STAY OFF PROPERTY". First thing I said when he opened the door.......Hey jerk can I come in I'm not a realtor. He said they constantly are knocking and harassing them to sell. When we walked out to leave there were two parasites walking up on his porch. He very brusquely asked....If you cant read how can you sell a house? They scurried off like scared mice.
I have property in 3 states and constantly get harassed to sell. Had one just today. This isn't my first move. I was career military so moving was a regular thing, but I wasn't in my 60's then. My supplies already moved.
Seems alot of people moving, I m also one. Need to finish up a few fixes on my house then its on the market. Have about two weeks and all loading gear packed and in storage. Not sure for how long but
its a sad feeling going to miss it.
Well I sure hope you don't have to move from your current house before your new one is done. Not fun to be under pressure to move out before you're ready. Good luck on the new build
I have not found some of my older Speer, Hornady or Nosler reloading manuals since my last move(9 years ago). my advice is pack that stuff your self and move it yourself if at all possible!
I moved into my current house 18 years ago . While in the process of moving I was living in the new house and someone broke into the old house and stole most of my reloading stuff and a lot of hunting gear , thankfully my guns were't there . So be careful when people know your moving.