President of Federal, CCI, Speer & Remington ammo: Why ammo is hard to get.

No excuse for not having enough ammo 10 months after virus and year before election. I BET if you drive by the ammo plants in the last 40 Saturdays and Sundays you would not see one employees car in the parking lot. I wish I would have requested a 6 months ago a some one that lives close to the plants to drive by every Saturday and Sunday and take a picture of the employee parking lots . I bet less than 5 cars in parking lots , only bean counters counting all the extra profit they are making ( I am thinking 50% more profit on very shell. Federal plant in Mn does have a shift that works weekends ( I worked there for a time ). NO EXCUSE for what's going on. us gun owners have supported this industry for what 300 years. Maybe a foreign country could pick up the slack from the USA Companies ? Israel , France , even Canada would work. Marty
Do you have your next set of tires for your car? Oil filters? Next thanksgiving's Turkey?

Why/why not?
Yes i do 2 sets of tires. 2 sets of wheels. 6 oil filters 55 gal drum of 15/40 and next thanks giving turkey is wondering the propety gaining weight why. Because i sell tires. Wheels. Service engines and raise my own food
Call me crazy but I think these private companies want to sell lots of their product and make a profit. Talk of storing inventory in secret warehouses or deliberately lowering supplies sounds a little off. If the demand continues and there is money to be made a new competitor will likely fill the void. Production expansion and "buy new buildings" may happen but not a quick knee jerk reaction to what may be a temporary spike in demand.
Call me crazy but I think these private companies want to sell lots of their product and make a profit. Talk of storing inventory in secret warehouses or deliberately lowering supplies sounds a little off. If the demand continues and there is money to be made a new competitor will likely fill the void. Production expansion and "buy new buildings" may happen but not a quick knee jerk reaction to what may be a temporary spike in demand.
It wont be a temporary demand... millions of shooters. Even if they only shoot one box a year. Is still millions of boxes added to the demand
No excuse for not having enough ammo 10 months after virus and year before election. I BET if you drive by the ammo plants in the last 40 Saturdays and Sundays you would not see one employees car in the parking lot. I wish I would have requested a 6 months ago a some one that lives close to the plants to drive by every Saturday and Sunday and take a picture of the employee parking lots . I bet less than 5 cars in parking lots , only bean counters counting all the extra profit they are making ( I am thinking 50% more profit on very shell. Federal plant in Mn does have a shift that works weekends ( I worked there for a time ). NO EXCUSE for what's going on. us gun owners have supported this industry for what 300 years. Maybe a foreign country could pick up the slack from the USA Companies ? Israel , France , even Canada would work. Marty
I see what you're saying but why is a company obligated to work weekends or whatever to produce more? If there is money to be made and the current manufacture chooses to not change to meet demand there is space for competition, no?
I'm frustrated as well and even after going through the last shortage wish I had more saved currently.
It wont be a temporary demand... millions of shooters. Even if they only shoot one box a year. Is still millions of boxes added to the demand
If those in the industry agree then expansion or new competition will seek to fill the void. I am much more concerned about scarcity of raw material or government regulation than manufactures deliberately slowing supply
The lack of components is the worst part but if you understand construction a commercial building generally takes at least a year form land purchase to site completion then actual building design and construction. This may also not be a wise long term investment as prior to the supposed pandemic sales and prices were dropping.

Also no manufacturer in todays business climate can afford to manufacture to maintain an inventory or backlog. They need to sell what they manufacture to pay employees and purchase material

No one is more frustrated than I am but it is what it is
If those in the industry agree then expansion or new competition will seek to fill the void. I am much more concerned about scarcity of raw material or government regulation than manufactures deliberately slowing supply

If those in the industry agree then expansion or new competition will seek to fill the void. I am much more concerned about scarcity of raw material or government regulation than manufactures deliberately slowing supply
So that 500 M round 223 and 9mm and 6.8 spc per cartridge military contract that was projected to take 9 months of every manufacturers capacity. Has NOTHING to do with anything.
Ammo manufacturer tells us they're making ammo as fast as they can. Nice to see a company president wearing a flannel shirt and jeans and knows his way around the production line. It gives him a sense of credibility.

Great post!!!!!
And of course it isn't relevant that some people are buying every box as soon as it hits the dealer - lets all keep blaming the manufacturers and the federal government, but certainly not our fellow hoarders. I have talked to people in California who have over 5000 rounds of every caliber they own stored in their garages. I've personally seen a few garages in LA. That's 10's of thousands of rounds in 10's of thousands of garages. Just think of what would happen if their house (God forbid) ever caught fire. Or the Wal Mart sporting goods department managers I've talked to in Iowa, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida (I build and remodel Wal Marts) who tell me that they have customers who know when a shipment arrives at their stores and are there waiting when the ammo is put out, and returning many times a day for many days to be able to buy the maximum Wal Mart allows over and over again. In Alabama recently I observed the same people doing just that. So lets put most of the blame where it's due. Do you really think that it is in the best interest of ammo manufacturers to withhold production of ammo, or that the government has a new way of withholding ammo as a form of gun control ? Gun sales are off the charts and every buyer needs a few boxes of ammo for his new gun. Between that, and the hoarders, the rest of us are left in the cold. I think we're all smarter than that on this forum. Lets not shoot the messenger, so to speak.
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