Powder/Primer storage

Who remembers when primers were perfectly concave with no flat section??
I still have those primers, believe they were made by very early Speer brothers before they were called CCI.
I test a few every so often….never had a dud and they are so nice to use.
I also have boxes of the original larger primers used in Kynoch ammo in 416 Rigby and the Nitro Express cartridges. Lucky I do, as I have quite a few hundred of the original Kynoch 416 Rigby cartridges with the Indian elephant ammo with a 410g RNSP with weird 3 point crimps.
Anyway, a bit of nostalgia for you all and none of these primers or ammo has ever been stored in any particular temperature controlled environment.
As to vacuum sealing, plastic creates moisture, so not a good idea.

I have some CCI large rifle primers from 20 years ago that survived a flood (i.e., were under water and mud for several days). When I dug them out, I dried them out and put them aside.

I thought I'd try a few to see if the flood affected them. All worked fine (primers only -- not in a loaded cartridge).

They're resilient little critters!
No I haven't. Never wanted to waste a primer, but I think that I may have a few primed cases from a while ago. I may put some water in the case then dump out, air dry and fire.
Will let you know.
You have me curious now...I will try it and let you know...lol..I have some pistol primers I don't use anymore...keep your good ones! That one primer may be the difference between life and death when the Covid 7 starts turning folks into Zombies!
I recently (accidentally) immersed a live primed empty cartridge casing thru my ultrasonic case cleaning solution, at a tempetature of 135F.
I then dried the casing in my oven set at 220F.

After the cases were dry, I found the case with the live primer. I removed the primer, set it on concrete outside and held a MAP torch to it. The primer detonated with a healthy sounding report.

So neither the 135F ultrasonic bath, nor the 220F oven dry cycle, innerted the primer.
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