Poor experience with Manners Composite Stocks.

My brother had the same exact experience with Manners recently. Funny thing is, it was an EH1 for a Stiller TAC338!

Once the stock was in "finishing," they called him and said the couldn't do an EH1 for the Stiller TAC338, because it was too wide. He changed the order to a Manners T2. They said they would rush it through and get it right out. Nope... No rushing, straight to the back of the line.

I have an EH1-A thats been in finishing for 7-8 weeks now! At 6 weeks, they said one more week. Well, that has come and gone. No shipping notice yet.

I think when it's time to make payroll and they're a little short on cash, they call a bunch of people and tell them their stock is in "finishing" and they need paid. :D
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How's this for a highjack? About thirty years ago I made my "Short Fat Seven": A .378 Wea shortened to 2 1/4" with a 45* shoulder. Matched the capacity of the .300 Wea. Anyway I was talking to Dan Lilja about it. He told me he made one 2 1/2", but he made the whole rifle from scratch! He said he would never do that again. He was getting 3,400 with 160 grainers. I ran 175 Partitions at 3,150.
My brother had the same exact experience with Manners recently. Funny thing is, it was an EH1 for a Stiller TAC338!

Once the stock was in "finishing," they called him and said the couldn't do an EH1 for the Stiller TAC338, because it was too wide.

Is it possible he had one of the older Stiller TAC .338's, that were built on the larger diameter action? The standard rem 700 and TAC actions are 1.350" diameter, the TAC .338 is .050" larger at 1.400", but he made a few TAC .338's for a while that were 1.450" diameter. If that was the case, it may have caused issues. I have my EH1-A now, and I measured the inlet and it is perfect for the standard TAC .338. Not sure if that was the case or if it was just confusion.

Random point, but after speaking with Tom the other day, he informed me that they ship out right around 70 stocks a week, so between 3500 and 4000 stocks a year. considering he employs less than 40 people, that is a lot of production.
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