Pics from recent trip to Wy. for cow elk.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
These were all from a recent trip to N.W. Wyoming. We had two cow tags and filled them both the first two days, which left time for plenty of fishing. We had a great trip and got to do a little longrange shooting as well.

My father tagged out 1 hr after we got up to our friend's cabin in Sunlight Basin, Wy. We took a stroll up in the basin and found about 20 cows feeding on a bench about 550 yds away. My dad got set up on a fence post, with a rear bag and let her have it. One shot was all it took. We dragged her down off the side of the hill and loaded her up.

The next day we got out around 10 am or so. We started up the basin disecting its draws. We finally found a group of about 50 cows up in one of the draws. Unfortunately someone had already staked their claim. They were sitting there waiting for them to clear the timber at 750 yds. So we left them alone and looked up a few more draws to no avail.

We went back to the cabin and had some lunch and then headed up toward the Beartooth's. We then happened upon a group of about 8 cows feedding next to a frozen lake close to the road. My father's buddy tagged out on a cow here. Luckily the one he shot was on the ice, so that made for a nice and easy drag across the lake back to the truck!

The next day we shot some ice cicles, shot some mountain sides about 700 yds away for some fun and finished the next few days out with a good bit of trout, grayling fishing. We all had a blast and were blessed to see so many of God's creatures in such a beautiful setting.

Enjoy the pictures and remember I'm not a professional photographer, so some of them are a little rough!

A young muley buck up close and personal.

A little cloudy heading over Dead Indian Pass.

Sunrise in Sunlight Basin! Absolutely Beautiful.

Fresh wolf track. That's my benchmade knife next to it 4.5inches.

Nice Ram. He was only about 50 yds away from us.

7/8 curl? Pretty darn nice looking ram to me.
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The image icon is the one that looks like a mountain with a sun shining over it. We'd love to see your photos so I hope you will try again.

I wish the sun would shine more here in WI. :mad:
Thanks for the help Len, SS7mm. It was very helpful! I have about 40 pics and the limit is 6 per post. Any suggestions?
I'd say just post a reply to this thread and add them there, 6 per reply.
This was a fresh wolf kill we happened upon. About 6-12hrs old. It was a young cow elk.

There were about 6-10 wolves on the kill judged by the amount of tracks. Amazing how quickly they can clean up a carcass.

Another track, from the kill. A 4.5 inch Benchmade knife next to it for scale.

Unfortunately we didn't hit this drift hard enough! We dug out in just a couple minutes though.

A band of ewes and some juvenile rams. They were about 750 yds away on the side of a ridge.

This guy had his mind on only one thing! The ewes in the pic above. He came busting over the top of the ridge with a b-line on this group of ewes.
Another smaller ram with a couple ewes. He was about 100yds away.

My dad's buddies spotting some cows on the side of the ridge.

My dad's friends Pat Feagan with gun, and Tim Porter, setting up to take down Pat's cow.

This is the one he takes. She is standing right on the edge of a frozen lake. That would come in handy later!

The rest of the group she was with. There is a spike in there somewhere.

Needless to say Pat got the job done. 200 yds one shot one kill! From L-R My buddy James Beckett, Local C.O., Tim Porter, Host, Pat Feagan, Dad's Buddy, Skip Miller, my father.
Don't know if anyone is familiar with this area of N.W. Wy, but if you are you'll notice Cathedral Cliffs in the upper right background.

Gettin down to business.

The shot went a tad high for some reason.

"Dr." Porter extracting the Ivories.

Sure am glad he shot the one on the ice. Sure does make for a nice drag back to the truck!
The next few days we got to spend relaxing, fishing, shooting, and just some general d*$#ing around.

These guys were right outside the door of the cabin. Notice the spike on the left. His ear was limp, from a fight I'm assuming.

Shooting at some woofs here. Just kidding, I wish it were legal! We were plinking some icicles with my buddy's AR.

This place is icicle heaven!

Ice fishing on Lily Lake in the Beartooth Mts.

A few decent Brook trout.
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Heading out on Swamp Lake for some hot Brookie action!

The day's haul.

This was one of my favorite pics from the trip. I caught this guy on my fly rod in a little spring.
As you can see there were mule deer aplenty!

A nice bull inside the cabin.

A few other critters inside the cabin.

This little guy tried to follow me into the cabin from the outhouse! Amazing how unafraid he was. We fed him a few shrimp tails and one small brookie. He was pleased to say the least!

He was dubbed the Shithouse Fox!

Chowin down!

Hope you all enjoy the pics half as much as I did the trip.
Great pics. Glad you got them up as they are really nice. That pic of the brookie in the net with the rod/reel really looks nice, kinda like something you'd see on a magazine cover.

Fur, fins and icicles......Doesn't get much better than than. Looks and sounds like you guys had a great trip.;);)
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