Our first LR attempt...


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Texas born and raised
WEll yesterday found my bud and I working the first half of the morning on trying to get one of the JD tractors up and going. After a failed attempt at a repair we finially had to admit defeat and just go and order the danged part. So that left us some free time, to either go harass the hogs up close and personal or let them be for a couple more days, and work on his 300 RUM. WE went for the the latter.

It had been a couple of weeks since we had had much of a chance to deal with it on a serious level. Yesterday conditions favored us and we had sudo cool weather and little or no wind. He has decided to go with the Berger 210gr and either H-1000, or Retumbo, which ever works out the best for us. After shooting up a dozen or so rounds, and not finding anything which showed promise, we decided to start from scratch so to speak. WE remeasured the OAL and all and found that we were back about .080" off the lands, that we thought we were within about .010 of. A quick resetting of the die, several dumps of powder and tata, a half inch group at 300 yds. just over 3050 fps. Several more to confirm the load and things were starting to pick up.

Well he had found a 12" blind flange at work and converted it into our new 500 - 1000 yd. gong. So the next thing on the agenda was to ring some steel. Verses screwing the knobs at this point in time we tossed it around and decided to just use the mil dots in the scope and go from there. After all this is a learning thing anyway. WEll after several shots and no resounding twang of the steel, I got out the 7 mag. I had just confirmed zerop at the 300yd target so I looked at the dope sheet on the stock and held accordingly. First shot, resulted in a very notable twang. Ok now we know things are as they should be it is just us and the new scope. Three shots later and we have a very loud twang from the RUM.

WEll we were loading as we went so I told my bud to go load up the remaingin dozen or so prepped brass and lets have some fun before darkness set in. Shortly after he returned with the loads and had set up on the gong once again, he hollers, man look at all those big hogts down there.

Well down there was ranged with the Wilde several weeks back at about 1100 meters. So not having the actual tools we really needed on had at the moment, we decided to do what comes naturally to us, start sending lead in their direction.

I can honestly say that they didn't have much to worry about. However this evening will be MUCH different. He wil have had time to re-prep the cases and have them loaded up and ready to go. ALong with having the Exbal on hand and the scope dialed in for the correct range. It all just happened so fast last night that we were unprepoared for actual live targets. It was a hoot non the less. I do believe we will have a 1K kill in short. The hogs that were being shot at remained out in the cut cotton field the etire time unbothered by the continious barrage of long range booms.

As soon as the farmer gets the rest of it cut this week, we will have a corn feeder readied to be put into a precise location to allow us a known range to bust some serious hog butt.

Look forward to some reports and pic's coming in the near future.
The initial post was on Tuesday, and that evening I had to head north from my buds place up to our place. I took care of some chores here yesterday while my bud worked out a few kinks in his rifle as well as finished up on the big JD tractor.

I got a call from him around 6:30pm stating " Black Hog Down".

He got in enough practice during the day yesterday to adjust the scope settings and figure out the drops on the Burris mil dot scope. About 4:30 there abouts, a decent boar hog slipped out of the tall grass which surrounds their lake across the cotton field from the barn. I measured it from the barn Tuesday to three locations with the Wild. The corner the hog came out on was at 1000 meters, which converts to just about 1100yds. The first shot he took went high, so he held one half dot lower and connected on the second. The big 210gr Berger hit the hog with pleanty of steam left. At the hit the hog hit the dirt road with enough force to throw up dust and almost roll completely over.

It will be tomorrow before I get a chance to head his way for some of my own fun, but from the sounds of it, he had a blast. His other report was, that you will only forget hearing protection using the Holland brake once. I will take his word on that one.
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