OnX app question


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Western Colorado
Tried reaching out to onX with this question but received a very vague response. I have a premium subscription set to expire in September for my home state but heading up to Wyoming in august for a back packing trip and the app would come in very handy. I see where you can get a 1 month subscription for $15. Has anyone ever used this feature and does it let you choose whatever state you may need. If there is an alternate way that you folks have used this app to get another state without paying the elite price, I'd be interested in how you did it. Thanks in advance
Let your subscription expire and try BaseMaps. You'll be able to get all the states for a much cheaper price. There's other mapping programs out there that are probably similar to BaseMaps that allow more than one state. Check around before you spend extra the money.
Never used it, does it have the features of onX such as private property boundaries, upload maps and capability to use while offline?
Yes it does. I has different layers that can easily be added. I don't know if it has all the features as OnX, but so far it has everything I need.

Download the trial issue of BaseMaps and compare it to OnX for features.
I've played with BaseMap and think it's a quality option. I've played with OnX also and it's a high-quality option, but expensive. I currently use GaiaGPS. It's $40/yr for a Premium subscription (which you want for hunting features) and that includes all states (plus international). I'm not aware of any features OnX has that GaiaGPS does not have. The main difference, other than price, is that OnX is a hunting-focused service so it's easy to get started - everything is geared toward hunting needs. GaiaGPS has hunting features, but it also serves hikers, bikers, boaters, etc. As a result, there's more of a learning curve as a hunter to figure out exactly the layers that will help you most. It depends how that tradeoff works for you - easier and more expensive vs. learning curve and more affordable.
I bought into Onx....when time was up it sent an 'update message' to my phone.....it took away all the private property names.....dont update....still kicking myself...
Gps still has the local names and lines.....
I did 'update' my phone with onx..i DID NOT RESUBSCRIBE.....
i still get the map on my phone...but the property owners names and lines are gone....