Old Glory Bank??????????


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
This morning I registered for an account with this new bank . I cannot open an account until March 2023, however I like the background and beliefs that this bank stands for and I think it will be a great asset to everyone who values the American way of life that we all grew up under, and which seems to be under attack from the media, financial institutions, the current administration, most educational groups, and many political parties.
One of the main reasons why I personally am interested in this bank is that on occasion I purchase firearms, ammunition, and other items related to our sport and our 2nd Amendment rights and more and more the big banks ( who issue credit cards) have been putting pressure on us to not use those rights. This bank seems to be of a different stripe.
If everyone on this site would take a serious look at this new bank for at least a part of their savings or checking needs it would make weapon and ammunition sales between members alot easier. IMHO.
This bank will offer AFT between account holders which is an immediate way to transfer funds. No waiting for checks in the mail, or problems with purchasing items without the permission of credit card companies, etc.
The founding members of this bank among other are John Rich ( country music artist ) Larry Elder ( Conservative radio host ) Dr. Ben Carson ( Pres. Trump's cabinet officer ).
Google Old Glory Bank and take a look, I think this is a good thing.