Not the same size primer


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2012
Northern California
Here is two 45 auto shells. The one on the left is smaller than the normal large pistol primer on the right. Now I've come across these several times from federal wal mart ammo. Any idea what size primer it is?


  • dfbe6705.jpg
    13.7 KB · Views: 109
They're small pistol primers. Its not just Federal and its not just Wal-Mart, its an effort by numerous manufacturers to go "greener", one more thing to look out for on range brass.
Great. So now I need two differant kinds of primers for one caliber. That's kinda crappy.

Toss them into a bag or box or ?? and keep them separate...and when you get a bunch get some small pistol primers and load JUST THOSE CASINGS and when finally fired and ejected...say goodbye to them!
Toss them into a bag or box or ?? and keep them separate...and when you get a bunch get some small pistol primers and load JUST THOSE CASINGS and when finally fired and ejected...say goodbye to them!

Yup that's what's gonna happen less you think I can get a few bucks for recycling them?
How does changing from a large primer to small affect powder charge and pressure?
I'm operating from brass I've had for a long time, which use lg primers, but inevitably I will end up with some of these.
In reality, it probably will not make that much of a difference, but we should all apply one of the general basic rules for reloading safety, which states: "Follow loading recommendations exactly. Don't substitute components for those listed. Start loading with the minimum powder charge in the load shown".

I thought the photo was a farse till I started looking at my brass! Dang, how did they slip that past us? I would have been ****ed if I had broken my priming tool trying to get a LP primer in a SP primer hole!

I mistakenly loaded some 40 S&W with small rifle primers once. I should have dis-assembled the loads but shot them anyway. Obviously, nothing ever happened but now I make extra efforts to check all the components throughout the process.

Gonna try some and see if there is in fact a difference. JohnnyK.
I admit the picture is a bit strange looking because the other primer is so much smaller. Please do try them and post your results. Primer size powder type and charge weight. So we have a place to start. That would be great! It's just a pain separating that stuff.
This is super funny, I just went shooting with my son yesterday, he had a new Glock and my 1911, came home dumped a couple hundred shells in the tumbler, I went to reload tonight and for whatever reason I looked at the headstamp and noticed the small primer, I've been reloading 45 ACP's for 30 plus years, I've shot IPSC& IDPA and reloaded thousands of these, I told him look before buying anymore, we spent an hour picking that crap out, Don't know for sure if they would mess up a Dillons mechanism or not, What was the reason for this change and are they all going "small primer"
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