Nikon new rangefinders

Hopefully you can hold out until you can get your hands on the MONARCH 3000 Stabilized rangfinder. It is truly something special. Hoping they start showing up the end of Feb. or early March.

The choice is up to you, but for me, it's all about having the stabilizing feature. I'm sure a lot of guy's who have never used a rangfinder with stabilization will see the small cost difference and opt for the longer range finding choice. Like I keep saying, get your hands on one and you'll be sold.
So the 3k has the stabilizer, but the 4K doesn't? That's what I'm wondering. What makes the 3k better?
Yeah without a serious tripod or rest , my wobble really needs stabilisation .
Very interested to see how the 4000 version does in bright sunlight . Seems
almost too cheap to be true , after dropping beaucoup $$ on a Vectronix .
I haven't had my hands on either for outdoor use but honestly I can't imagine Nikon's 2 new rangefinder's not working to your satisfaction. After all, they are made by Nikon and no way Nikon is going to release a product that doesn't work as advertised. If anything, more often then not the spec's err on the short side of actual capabilities. I'm sure with these rangfineder's being int he hand's of retailer's we will be hearing a lot more about them.
Has anyone had hands on with the new nikon's? Seems way too good to be true at the price. Wonder what the max range is for non reflective/game targets?
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