New Zealand Chamois Hunt (video and pics too)


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2006
Top of the South Island, New Zealand
Last month Chris (Yawn) finally got around to going on a hunting trip together. Our destination was a big chunk of public land that I had seen Chamois on previously.

We finally dropped our packs on a suitable campsite and then headed off to glass some mean looking bluff systems where the Chamois were holed up on the last trip. It was a bitterly cold night and it was with a feeling of disappointment when we trudged back to camp by torchlight without seeing much. We had only spotted two red deer that were inaccessible and a long way off.
By the time we finished tea and set up camp it was 6.30pm and pitch black, bloody cold wind to boot so it was time to hit the scratcher. I had just come off some pretty ****** shifts at work so was asleep quick, I awoke to find it still dark but I was feeling alot better and much more awake. I glanced at my watch and it was 9.45pm :eek: needless to say it was a long night after that ;D

The morning dawned a cracker, the wind had died down overnight. We re-glassed the bluffs from the previous night but still saw no Chamois so we headed for a new area. As soon as I got to the ridgetop I saw a Chamois about 300 yards away on knarly ridge. It had disappeared by the time Chris caught up.

A plan was hatched and we dropped down on the razor shaped ridge above from where the Chamois was last seen. I spotted a Nanny and kid out to my right so got some video footage before dropping down further. I then saw another Nanny and kid out to my left and got some great footage of them bounding along steep sided bluffs with ease.
I was unable to find the first Chamois that I had spotted so we stalked in on the nanny with a big kid, I was pretty keen for Chris to shoot his first Chamois but to his credit he offered to leave it be and search for a buck.


We finally agreed that he should shoot it. I set up the camera and shot some footage, here you go

YouTube - Chris' first Chamois

The video footage on You Tube removes a bit of quality but on the original footage watched on TV you can clearly see the projectile in flight, not vapor trail but the projectile :cool: It had something to do with the angle of the sun above the Chamois.

I glassed wayyyyyy down the ****** face we were on and saw a red hind bedded up in a scrubby gully, we both thought it was too far down so we headed over to the Chamois to have a look. We whipped off its head and had a yarn, stupidly we talked each other into going down to bowl the hind over.


Chris is camera shy

By now it was really hot and we had bugger all water left, we travelled light, Chris carried his camera and a knife and I took my rifle. We picked our way down through bluff after bluff and were finally approaching the spot where I last saw the hind bedded up.
As we tiptoed down through the scrub we heard a bark out to my right, we pushed through the bit of scrub and saw the hind about 70 yards away arse on and looking over its back at us.

Cool as a cucumber I dropped it with one shot to the neck and told Chris "Thats how you do it mate"

:-[Okay okay, I will tell the truth ;D. I took a rest and then had a crack at its neck, BOOM and the hind runs off a bit, I had another shot which missed, it ran off some more and paused and I had a third shot which connected, the hind did not drop but just stood there :eek:

Thats when I remembered I was travelling light and had no bullets left ;D, we watched the hind with baited breath and it finally fell over. Chris had to sneak up and do the coup de gras with his knife as it was still moving. Some bloody amateurish shooting on my behalf but I was thankful that we travelled light and had left the video camera up with the Chamois ;D

By the time we got back up to the Chamois the entire valley was filling up with fog and soon the wind picked up and got really cold to boot.


The rest of the day was crap so we headed out a day early.
God i love your country and lucky for me it is just over the ditch being an Aussie. The whole place is just jaw dropping on that south island.

I'll be back there next year hunting tahr and pobably chamios. I'm still to get one of those little devils and i shaw am keen to see how they taste, did you boys pack out any meat other then the hind?

God i love your country and lucky for me it is just over the ditch being an Aussie. The whole place is just jaw dropping on that south island.

I'll be back there next year hunting tahr and pobably chamios. I'm still to get one of those little devils and i shaw am keen to see how they taste, did you boys pack out any meat other then the hind?


Just the Venison and we only took the best cuts. I don't like Chamois meat so don't shoot many, still looking for a better trophy, have a nice set of horns at home but want to crack the 10" mark
10" that would be nice i will settle for something in the 8" range to starte.

I've shot 2 pretty good bull tahr down in the rangitatta valley 11.75" an 13" and i am keen to get back up but will probably hunt chamios on the west coast.

A mate of mine is an ex guide and use to cull Tahr on foot:eek: for the Docs over there, if you would like i could ask him if there is anywhere a bit more local to you guys to hunt tahr.

Where do you live and are you preparedto chopper in ?

Well I'm off to fiji Tomorow but i will give him a call when i get back and see if he can recomend any blocks with good bulls .He has never done me wrong as you can tell by my 13" bull but he has them over 14.75":eek: on top of his fridge.

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