My Pierce titanium is on the way!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
My rifle is on the way. It's a Pierce titanium with a Bartlett 3b(#5) contour barrel with Harrell's brake. It is 28" plus brake. Chambered in 7mm-300 win mag .203 freebore with .316 neck. It is bedded in a GAP Elite Tactical Manner's EH1. The trigger is a Jewel. Hopefully I will get it in time to do barrel break in Friday. I'll be starting load development with Berger 180 Hybrids, H1000, Norma brass, and 215M primers. I'll be mounting a Sightron SIII 8-32x56 LRMOA in Talleys on top. I will post picks when the scope is mounted.
Sounds good! Just curious why you went with a titanium action on what sounds like a not so light weight build?
It should be around 7lbs. I wanted something medium weight. I wanted to be able to pack it without giving up too much in stability. I've had heavier and lighter I believe this will be perfect for me. The EH1 is awesome.
My rifle is on the way. It's a Pierce titanium with a Bartlett 3b(#5) contour barrel with Harrell's brake. It is 28" plus brake. Chambered in 7mm-300 win mag .203 freebore with .316 neck. It is bedded in a GAP Elite Tactical Manner's EH1. The trigger is a Jewel. Hopefully I will get it in time to do barrel break in Friday. I'll be starting load development with Berger 180 Hybrids, H1000, Norma brass, and 215M primers. I'll be mounting a Sightron SIII 8-32x56 LRMOA in Talleys on top. I will post picks when the scope is mounted.

That is a gorgeous rifle!!! I had never really considered a titanium receiver so I'll be very interested to learn of your results - particularly given the powerful chambering.

As I live near the mountains, a lighter-weight rifle that still packs an enormous punch is quite desirable. Yours looks just about perfect!!!

ETA: never heard of Bartlett barrels..... who are they?
It's a Bartlein. My stupid Macbook has auto correct and I did not catch it. I can not find a way to edit the original post.
I received the rifle and got the scope mounted. I shot one shot then cleaned for the first eleven shots then fired three. I started at 73.0 and worked up to 76.9 in .3 increments. All shots where within 1MOA at 200 yds. Tomorrow I plan to do a ladder at some convenient distance, probably around 800 yds.
This was shot at 600 yds. Wind was mostly at my back with an occasional gust from the left. I already have an idea of what I'm going to reshoot but would like your thoughts. In my experience it takes about ten rounds for my barrels to settle down after cleaning. Prior to this test I had only shot three after cleaning.
73.0 3005 3010
73.3 2959 3012
73.6 3010 3044
73.9 3009 3037
74.2 3026 I jerked low left 3047 not the best squeeze
74.5 3056 3064
74.8 3071 3071
75.1 30813075
75.4 3108 3089
75.7 3107 3123
76.0 3102 3123
76.3 3130 sticky bolt 3137 no sticky I pulled
76.6 3122 no sticky bolt 3142 no sticky bolt
76.9 3140 sticky bolt 3136 no sticky bolt


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