Might Do A Little Squirrel Hunting…..


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
Winchester, Wy.
with my S&W 460 XVR ! 🤔

I have some pretty impressive shot shells I developed for it…..and it appears that I'll never get a deer or elk with it! 🤬

Our squirrels up here are not nearly as wary as in much of the country…..so close range shots should be available! The shot patters open considerably beyond 20-25 feet.….so patience and a little stalking may be required to "close the deal"!

I'm getting desperate to "draw blood" with my hunting handgun! 😉 memtb
I usually use a Ruger .22 pistol for head shots. If you get close to the head, it should blow out the ear drums and scramble their brains. You don't eat the brains anyway.

When I was a kid, I killed a lot of squirrels with a 22 (rifle) and always went for head-shots! My grandfather would sometimes complain…..the brains were his favorite part of the squirrel!

As yes, it's darn loud 🙀……even with these duplicate 2 1/2" 410 shot shell loads! 🤔 memtb
I know several old-timers that would always ask me for the brains. They like to mix them with their eggs for breakfast.
We ate cow brains and other larger animals brains mixed in with scrambled eggs. Squirrel brains did not seem worth the effort. As @asd9055 said they are now outlawed in some areas and with CWD I won't eat any brains today.