Marines Eliminate Elite Scout Sniper Platoons

Snipers are labeled "The most deadly men on the battlefield" for a reason. However the Army has been slowly drifting the way the Marines just went for a while. You would be surprised as to how even my command has treated us at the sniper school (and of the two Army sniper schools, we are the highest producer of graduates). I have been laughed at and told at least twice in the past year that nobody cares and the sniper school is not a priority to anyone. People look at me funny when I tell them our budget is so bad that we sometimes cannot support even daily operations. The last class I was in charge I spent my own money buying paint for targets, toilet paper, and get a box of fuses for our government truck that we use for range operations. I actually feel bad about retiring, they finally broke me after 20+ years of service. This is my last week before I go on terminal leave.
Snipers are labeled "The most deadly men on the battlefield" for a reason. However the Army has been slowly drifting the way the Marines just went for a while. You would be surprised as to how even my command has treated us at the sniper school (and of the two Army sniper schools, we are the highest producer of graduates). I have been laughed at and told at least twice in the past year that nobody cares and the sniper school is not a priority to anyone. People look at me funny when I tell them our budget is so bad that we sometimes cannot support even daily operations. The last class I was in charge I spent my own money buying paint for targets, toilet paper, and get a box of fuses for our government truck that we use for range operations. I actually feel bad about retiring, they finally broke me after 20+ years of service. This is my last week before I go on terminal leave.

I don't like to hear this is happening on your court. USMC had an issue with graduation rates... like you just order one off amazon... if the USMC thinks MARSOC or Recon is just going to loan them out with probably less then 300 combined they are mistaken.
It doesn't surprise me. We have an administration that believes climate change is really the only threat we face. Their head is so deep in the sand they won't acknowledge the real threats we and our children are facing in this crazy world we live in. Maybe we should replace our snipers with social workers to defuse the violence of war. 🤦‍♂️
Marine Corps under fire for eliminating elite scout sniper platoons from infantry battalions.

"Scout Snipers, according to the website Careers in the Military, are Marines "skilled in field craft and marksmanship who deliver long range, precision fire on selected targets from concealed positions in support of combat operations," in addition to having a "secondary mission of gathering information for intelligence purposes."

They (politicians and USMC Leadership) did the same thing after WWII. They dismantled the "Sniper". When we went Viet Nam the US & USMC found that they needed the SNIPER back and had to start the whole new Sniper Program. The US had to bring in experts from the UK to train US Marines and Solders.
The "Scout Sniper" was then born out of necessity during the Viet Nam War and turned out to be one of the most effective tools in warfare.
It took many years to build up the "Scout Sniper" Program.
Politicians, Consultants, and high Ranking Military officials have not learned lessons from previous Wars/Conflicts. They want to replace humans with Drones. Removing the Main Battle Tanks, taking Fighter Piolets out of Jets, and now removing the Scout Sniper. Don't get me wrong it is very important to have technology and saving Human Lives. China is beating the US and other countries probably 2 to 1 in advancements.
Wars are fought with machines but won on the ground by soldiers/Marines.

It is really sad the people that are in charge of our Country are making bad decisions.

Semper Fi!
They (politicians and USMC Leadership) did the same thing after WWII. They dismantled the "Sniper". When we went Viet Nam the US & USMC found that they needed the SNIPER back and had to start the whole new Sniper Program. The US had to bring in experts from the UK to train US Marines and Solders.
The "Scout Sniper" was then born out of necessity during the Viet Nam War and turned out to be one of the most effective tools in warfare.
It took many years to build up the "Scout Sniper" Program.
Politicians, Consultants, and high Ranking Military officials have not learned lessons from previous Wars/Conflicts. They want to replace humans with Drones. Removing the Main Battle Tanks, taking Fighter Piolets out of Jets, and now removing the Scout Sniper. Don't get me wrong it is very important to have technology and saving Human Lives. China is beating the US and other countries probably 2 to 1 in advancements.
Wars are fought with machines but won on the ground by soldiers/Marines.

It is really sad the people that are in charge of our Country are making bad decisions.

Semper Fi!
Between 1965-1975, 70%+ had military experience. Now it's about 17-18 %. What's that tell you.

EDIT: It occurs to me that I should specify that the statistics I posted above are talking about the House and Senate, not the overall population. Not sure everyone caught that point. Sorry.
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Technology has changed. Drones can stay up for hours, although expensive, except maybe the smaller ones used by troops. A lot safer I think. With infra red, snipers can be spotted more easily on the move.
It looks as though laser guided missles could replace fighter aircraft, ships, and tanks. Col McGreagor, retired, says all of the Ukrainians tanks got wiped out by artillery or one big bunch all at once, not sure. According to him we are losing big time in the war. I don't doubt it. Bad habit our government has. Spending all that money on sniper equipment than trashing the program, or most of it. Great planning!