Long range muzzleloader


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2016
My brother drew a muzzleloader antelope tag, 177 yards is how far he shot him at. I would consider that a long poke with a Idaho Regulated Muzzleloader. I did my first ever attempt at filming the hunt please watch it and let me know what you think.

Good for him.
On a side note, i think its illegal to beat an antelope to death with a primos trigger stick in this state. Haha
Nice job on the vid.
So, I thought you couldn't have a scope? Is there special rules for certain hunts?
Yeah my brother who shot this. Is color blind. The fish and game qualifies that as an eye disability. Then you have to have a doctor sign some paperwork and send it into the IDFG and they will over look it. He passed which allows a non magnifying scope for muzzleloader use. I was suprised
That this was allowed. But a good friend of mine told us about it so we did some more looking into it and almost any eye disease or disability will qualify for the scope
I would suggest a pig or hog saddle over the trigger sticks. Search YouTube for some tactics on using one with a sling. You will be amazed at how much more stable you can get.
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