Little advice on my ladder load


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2009
So here's my ladder. As you can see i grouped 1&3 well. 2,4 & 9. Also shots 1-3 are 1fps apart and the 2 groups are 1.5" apart. This was shot at 300 yards. Guess I'm having a hard time picking the powder charge


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1&3 and 7&8 look like they are worth working at to me . if I get a target that;'s hard to tell where the nodes are , I'll reshoot it at 100 yards longer distance . this extra distance will spread them out .
I would think 6, 7 and possibally 5 since these are all horizontal and looks like something wind would string them to the right. Also the 1 and 3 you might be coming into another node but you also need to look at your brass and see if your getting pressure. I have done these ladder test at 400 and 500. I tried them at 300 and it looked a little confusing but at 400 it was a good deal different.
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