Leupold Reticle Help


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2013
I have decided I'm going to send my Leupold VX-III 6.5-20x40 to the Leupold Custom Shop to have the reticle changed. It has the Target Dot reticle in it now, and I'm just not a fan of it. This scope is on my .243 varmint rifle, and I love everything about it besides the reticle. I just find it hard, personally, to focus on the dot and get a good point of aim. I have the MOA-2 reticle in my Sightron that also has a dot, but it floats and has a window around it and the crosshairs. The Sightron dot reticle is much more pleasing to my eye.

When looking at Leupold's options for reticles, I really want one that has windage marks in it. I like to dial my elevation and hold off for windage. Having windage hashmarks obviously makes it easier to have a more accurate hold off. The only reticles I seem to like are the Wind-Plex, Tri-MOA and Varmint Hunter, neither one do I have personal experience with. Leupold's "tactical" reticles are either too busy for me or don't have any central aiming point, just a small opening in the crosshairs. I'm sure some love this, but that just doesn't sound right to me.

I have concerns with how heavy the lines are on the Tri-MOA and Wind Plex reticles. Most of the reviews I found were guys using them on deer rifles. This rifle needs to have a precise reticle since it's a varmint rifle and I shoot it out to 700 yards. Does anyone have input on these two reticles and if the crosshairs are too heavy for precise aiming at long range and on small targets?

Finally, the Varmint Hunter's reticle looks really nice because the crosshairs are thin and designed for small targets with precise aiming. The only thing that throws me off is that the windage hashmarks are not as simple as "2 MOA spacing on 20x." They're odd and for a 20x scope the windage marks are only accurate on 16x and the windage is not even numbers, it's like 1.77 MOA for the first one and like 3.56 MOA for the second one. Would I just have to do some math to figure out what they would equate to on 20x and 10x? Thanks guys. Hopefully someone can share some information.
Finally, the Varmint Hunter's reticle looks really nice because the crosshairs are thin and designed for small targets with precise aiming. The only thing that throws me off is that the windage hashmarks are not as simple as "2 MOA spacing on 20x." They're odd and for a 20x scope the windage marks are only accurate on 16x and the windage is not even numbers, it's like 1.77 MOA for the first one and like 3.56 MOA for the second one. Would I just have to do some math to figure out what they would equate to on 20x and 10x? Thanks guys. Hopefully someone can share some information.

You realize that for any second focal plane scope, any windage hashmarks are only going to be of true value when you're at full power? So to answer your question, yes, any time you're not on full power, you will need to do some math. Generally in my opinion it's easiest to run a SFP scope if you're holding wind either at full power (making markings true value) or half power (making the markings double value). First focal plane scope solves that problem as reticle markings in them remain of true value regardless of magnification.

All that being said, I've used a TMOA reticle for years in a VX6 and I like that a lot. It's WAY better than the WindPlex that originally came with it.
You realize that for any second focal plane scope, any windage hashmarks are only going to be of true value when you're at full power? So to answer your question, yes, any time you're not on full power, you will need to do some math. Generally in my opinion it's easiest to run a SFP scope if you're holding wind either at full power (making markings true value) or half power (making the markings double value). First focal plane scope solves that problem as reticle markings in them remain of true value regardless of magnification.

All that being said, I've used a TMOA reticle for years in a VX6 and I like that a lot. It's WAY better than the WindPlex that originally came with it.
Yes I do realize this. But Leupold uses the wind values at 16x and not full power with the Varmint Hunter reticle. I'm just not a fan of how the center aiming point is open in the TMOA.
Yes I do realize this. But Leupold uses the wind values at 16x and not full power with the Varmint Hunter reticle. I'm just not a fan of how the center aiming point is open in the TMOA.

Sorry, misunderstood and not familiar with that reticle. I know they have a TMOA Plus with a slightly different center as well. It's still open though.
You realize that for any second focal plane scope, any windage hashmarks are only going to be of true value when you're at full power?

I thought SFP reticles were indexed at a set magnification between the lowest power & the highest?
Then you need to work it out from there!
I would think that you would want them to be indexed somewhere with a stop or a detent to eliminate variability? everything I owned was SFP until recently and I'm a convert. FFP is where it's at for variable scopes, a hash is always the same no matter what zoom.
I haven't sent it out yet. I'm not a fan of either of those. I don't like the open center in the reticle for aiming
You'll be using hash marks 90% of the time anyways.
I have a sightron moa2 reticle, honestly, you need to try the open Center of a tmoa and you'll be hooked. Works great for precise shooting because you can bracket your tiny target
I haven't sent it out yet. I'm not a fan of either of those. I don't like the open center in the reticle for aiming

I thought they looked too busy until I shot with one. The leupold TMR, Nightforce MOAR, and schmidt bender P4F are all either in the safe or on the wish list.
I have the same scope and kind of like it but have not tried the TMR. What do you not like about it?

Its probably got more to do with the rifle its on being the wrong choice which was always supposed to be a temporary thing.

I do plan to move it over from my 22-250 varmint rifle to my long distance .260 soon, it will be replacing a S3 10-50x60.

At the moment I find it way to busy especially when trying to take out small critters at night but I do understand that's not what its for so hopefully I will like it more when it moves to the other rifle?
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