Lets see your AR-15 groups


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2009
Thunder Basin, WY
I am sure somebody can beat this one.

Here's the best 200 yd group I've fired to date with my custom upper AR in 223. Used Sierra 60 grn HP, 25 grns of Varget, CCI BR-4 primer and Black Hills once fired cases. Bullets seated to 2.270 OAL (maximum for magazine) and about .005 off the rifleing.

There's surely a flier, and I don't know if it was the 1st shot, 5th shot, or one in between because I shot all 5 and never saw the flier till I walked down to the target. Still testing, Varget is all I've tried so far.

Let's see some more:D

It's really great that we can post photo's directly now. Thanks Len!:)


  • AR-15 Varget at 200 yds.jpg
    AR-15 Varget at 200 yds.jpg
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I shot a clip at this target off the hood of the truck useing bipods @ 100 yards, I should have read the wind better!
Not great but a good representation of what we can get done=Prairie dogs to 300 and coyotes a tad farther.....If I get them before they hit the afterburners:D

Shane, I just feel really sorry for the critters in your neighborhood!

Len, if I could shoot even 1/2 that good off the sticks, there wouldn't be a safe coyote LOL!

I shot a clip at this target off the hood of the truck useing bipods @ 100 yards, I should have read the wind better

MachV, Hey at least they're consistant. These little 223's sure have some issues when the wind gets to blowing. That's still about 3/4 moa avg though isn't it?

Not an ar15 but based on an ar? Not a bad group at 1014yds

Nitrous, nice shooting! I didn't know they even made AR type rifles for such big calibers. How do you like that Magpul stock? I absolutely love mine.

Keep em coming guys, I keep hearing how accurate everyone's AR's are, but don't seem to see many pictures. Here's your chance, let's post em up:)
500 yards. 8" CTC. 8-10 mph crosswind from the left. Hornady 75 grain BTHP, 24 gr. Reloder 15, Rem brass and primers.

I managed a 5 shot 5" group yesterday. Didn't get a pic though........



Sbruce, that a great group at 200 yards with an AR! This is a good post, as there are some other nice gruops as well.

Thank you:)

That's the only group I've fired with that particular powder charge/bullet combo. I still need to chrono it and see if it's repeatable. I've also got some Benchmark loaded with same bullet that I plan on trying.

There's some great long range groups here so far, Thanks for sharing folks.
Oh hey, something I noticed......Seeing alot of Magpull stocks here so far (mine's got one too) might be something to that?

Have you guys done trigger replacements too? Mine's got a Jewell in it.
The top picture is 20 shots from an AR spacegun at 100 yards, open sights with a sling.

The middle picture is 20 shots at 200 yards using an AR service rifle, open sights with a sling. The group measures @ 2" tall by 3" wide except the 9 which was the last shot.

The bottom picture was shot with an AR service rifle at 300 yards. It is 10 shots into 3.25" fired from the prone position, open sights with a sling. Start from standing, go prone, fire 10 shots in 70 seconds including a magazine change.

ARs can really shoot.



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    Space gun 100 yds 77 gr 005A.jpg
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Oh hey, something I noticed......Seeing alot of Magpull stocks here so far (mine's got one too) might be something to that?

Have you guys done trigger replacements too? Mine's got a Jewell in it.[/QUOTE]

Mine have Geisselle match triggers.
DZelenka, that's good shooting for prone/sling. Congrats.

I've never practiced that position much at all.
Even with a one hole rifle, I probably couldn't shoot 1/2 that good from that position.
DZelenka, that's good shooting for prone/sling. Congrats.

I've never practiced that position much at all.
Even with a one hole rifle, I probably couldn't shoot 1/2 that good from that position.

It just takes practice. You learn how to build a solid position. Then it is just executing the fundamentals - make sure your natural point of aim is in the center of the target, focus on the front sight, break the trigger without disturbing your sight picture.

All of those groups were shot with 77gr Sierras or Bergers, 24.1 gr RL 15 in a LC case.

Here is how to do it:


  • Team Match Rapid Prone.jpg
    Team Match Rapid Prone.jpg
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Have you guys done trigger replacements too? Mine's got a Jewell in it.

I do all my own trigger work. Mine has a resprung and polished RRA 2 stage match trigger. 1lb. 14 ounce first stage and an 8 ounce second stage.

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