Konus feedback

Teh Wicked

Active Member
Aug 14, 2010
Goldsboro, NC.
Last year I came across a smoking deal on a Sendero 7mm Mag rifle, I traded a used scuba BC that I had about $500 into for a like new Senedero 7mm Mag, it was the older all matte blued model witht he H&S stock.

Anyways, the rifle came with 120 rds of premium ammo and a hardcase. It was topped with a 4-16 Bushnell Banner. Well that was quickly removed...

A week after getting the rifle, I was searching local firearm stores for deals and came across a new in the box Konus M30 25x scope w/ mil-dot reticle, It was marked wrong on the box I and I got it for nearly $160 off the retail price tag.

So anyways, I picked up a pair of Warne 30mm rings and got the rifle dialed in. Now with the Timney trigger and hand loads my groups are 1/2" and small when im on point.

So my question is, will I be able to use this scope for a long range type hunting rifle? Or should I look into better glass? I have yet to find negative feedback about these scopes.
I went thru 3 scopes in less than 2 months. None would hold zero. I wouldn't give 2 cents for all the Konus scopes. You get what you pay for!! Hope this helps.
I went thru 3 scopes in less than 2 months. None would hold zero. I wouldn't give 2 cents for all the Konus scopes. You get what you pay for!! Hope this helps.

Wow...Must have been some crap luck, I have had mine dead on zero for months with probably 200+ rounds down the pipe and it has not shifted a millimeter.
I have a Konus pro 30mm-3x12 on a dpms LR308 and it has preformed flawlessly for hundereds of rounds my (2 cents)
Gent at range I shoot, has a couple of KonusPro variables on low recoil centerfire rifles and he often spends the better part of one morning a week target shooting with them, working on the perfect load. He likes them and they've been reliable for him.
Only experience I have had with that company is in their spotting scopes. Terrible optics would be an understatement. I hope their rifle scopes are a little better for your sake, but if it works, it works. Maybe the spotter I used was a dud.
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