kitchen pass


Active Member
May 11, 2005
I got a kitchen pass (read blank check) to buy some new reloading equipment...
new press?
new scales etc.
hehe, help me make my shopping list.

(I wonder what she did that got me my pass???? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif) oh well, i got it and i is going to use it.
What are you going to be loading for the most ?

If you have any of the RUM size loads, I might say go with the Lyman Crusher II press as it allows a little more room at a decent price, or go with the Rock Chucker Supreme. Either are pleanty to form most cases on.

Have fun, I really can't help ya out with the scales and such, heck I been using the same old set for close to 20 years. I know I read a post this past weekend comparing several of the newer auto scales you might do a search on them.
For press id go for either the new rockchucker supreme, or the redding ultramag. both have plenty of height, and chruch for long cases and tough sizing jobs. For scales... id reccomend a wiz bang super digital... if it werent for the fact that I just got my RCBS scale back from Scott Parker. He tunes several of their scales... super sensative, and very repeatable, but they stabalize just as fast as usual. Basically, like RCBS wishes they were from the. This thing will deflect the poise with one GRANULE of H414 (a flake/ball powder for those of you who don't use it) Its precise enough that I can weigh stuff on any other scale, throw it into the pan for this scale, and this scale will see the variation. This includes those from the RCBS chargemaster. Digital is great for sorting cases, but for powder, ill be using this one. Get a 10-10, and send it to Scott, and you will be done with your powder despensing purchases. His email is [email protected]
i have just had one of the chap,i have tried it today and it knocks the spots of my rcbs 505 and Lyman 1200
they seem very good,and i would recommend them to anyone.
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