Is it too late for this year for a private land Elk hunt?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2016
Decided I'm going to try and book a private land Elk hunt leveraging a land owner tag with an outfitter for this season. Is it too late or do you think there are any good spots left? I'm open to any area or state and dates. I'm a deer hunter and only hunted whitetails east of Mississippi River so I need a guide for this first time hunt. Any recommendations on a solid outfitter? Thanks for thoughts and help.
You may try Keith Williams who is an outfitter in New Mexico. I have hunted with him several times and continue to go back. He and his crew do a great job.
Yeah plenty of time to book a private land hunt in NM or a a Unit Wide tag. To s of outfitters to chose from just start searching.
Thanks guys. Anyone you recommend please feel free to PM their names or info. Thanks.
PM your contact number and I can give you a call if need be. I am hunting antelope august and elk in October with him this year too.
Thanks Rick! I cashed in my WY points this year for an area 7 tag. Always like to keep info on good guys for the future though. Hope you have great luck this fall! Let me know how it goes. Mike
Thanks guys. Anyone you recommend please feel free to PM their names or info. Thanks.
Hey, did you ever get set up for an Elk hunt for 2020? If not, you might try Outdoor Solutions for a hunt. They offer hunts in multiple states and some with Landowner Tags that are still available. I've hunted with them in Montana and Wyoming when they were affiliated with the NRA and were called "NRA Outdoors" and this year will be hunting Elk in NM. (918) 258-7817
Decided I'm going to try and book a private land Elk hunt leveraging a land owner tag with an outfitter for this season. Is it too late or do you think there are any good spots left? I'm open to any area or state and dates. I'm a deer hunter and only hunted whitetails east of Mississippi River so I need a guide for this first time hunt. Any recommendations on a solid outfitter? Thanks for thoughts and help.
Check on elevation of hunts I know personally that going from 1600 ft here in NY to 9000+ is quite a breathtaking experience. Plan in a few extra days to get acclimated to any elevation.
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