In the Ear? Really???


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2011
To get within range, I had to cross the milo against the rows. Drizzling rain softened the leaves so I could maneuver more quietly, but my movement didn't go unnoticed. Two hogs stood well above the seed heads, and one of them saw me coming. Without delay I fired one shot and put him down, but I stumbled on the stalks while turning to pick up the next one. In my haste to recover, I anxiously spent several more rounds taking down the second. When I approached to survey the damage, I came upon a shorty that was lost, so I helped him find the way out.


The next spot had four porkers grazing in a wheat field, two big ones and two little guys. With no cover, I just crept up slowly, but not too close, staying just over 100 yards out. While I was waiting for the two largest to move closer together, the big one looked up and stared right at me.

I hear a lot about how easy hogs are to kill and any caliber will work. All you need to do is shoot it in the ear. Well I'm not that good of a shot, so with only a couple of seconds to fire, I put one in the shoulder. Instead of dropping, he took off. I wasn't expecting that and lost several more seconds bringing him down. By then I was only able to get one more runner. The little ones were so far all I could do was make them zigzag in the distance.


After I got a look at the size of the bruiser, I realized how he was able to soak up 168 grains in the chest, and that's why I shoot a 30 caliber. I don't think I would have stopped him with a 223, and if you're in a wheat field with a giant wounded boar, retreat is not an option.


Now on to the cotton field. One hog meandered amongst a herd of deer on the edge of the circle. Of course the deer spooked when I closed in, which in turn spooked the hog. Since he really didn't know what he was running from, he just went in a few rows, turned and headed my direction. The cotton was tall, but I could see the top of his back as he got closer. I switched on the ir illuminator and caught his eye reflecting back through the leaves. When he presented enough of his head... SPLAT!!! At 25 yards everyone's a marksman.


I saw three more cross into a corn field, but there were houses in the distance, and I didn't have a clear shot. Many animals survive because there is safety in numbers. Where I hunt hogs, however, a large number means the whole herd is likely to get wiped out. They must be catching on because I never saw patrols of more than three or four pigs all night.

PS - Special thanks to Coy for the tip!
look... i don't need any special pat on the back, but surely somebody can at least say "nice job!".

i feel like i just opened up a facebook account and don't have any friends. it's very embarrasing!

would y'all rather the hogs had shot me in the ear?

look... i don't need any special pat on the back, but surely somebody can at least say "nice job!".

i feel like i just opened up a facebook account and don't have any friends. it's very embarrasing!

would y'all rather the hogs had shot me in the ear?


Let me be the first to congratulate and thank you for taking that many hogs but don't stop.

We kill every hog we see and they are still out of control. we also trap them and there is an endless supply of them still.

I agree with you on the 223 for hogs, It will work but just barely and in a pinch will get you in

Nice shootin'! Looks like a fun evening - amazing how thick the hogs are in some parts. Glad you're keeping them on their toes!
I sure enjoyed it as the hogs you killed could easily be in my backyard in a weeks time. The only thing I see wrong was Batman was not there. If I was in charge you would never come home because I would expect you to hunt 24-7. I would bring you a burger occasionally of course.

I loved it!!!
Djones, we do not have hogs here in MI (unless you work for the DNR - they say we have millions and to shoot on sight). But we do have coyotes and my previous daytime activity has moved the ones on the farm to a nocturnal only pattern.

I am curious about your sighting hardware ? I looked into getting a thermal imaging scope, but finally decided I could not swing $7500+ for the sight, so I have gone with an ATN gen 3 6x scope. Still waiting for it to be delivered, so can't offer any feedback yet.

The coyote herd on the sheep farm now probably numbers 20+ (they have about 400 acres of hunting grounds) and I have to get a good number of those thinned out this winter or they will be killing dozens of lambs come spring.
I know two guys with the 6x mars atn. they are very nice scopes. one guy had problems after a while and atn cust service was so bad his warranty ran out while going back and forth several times to fix the same problem, and they wouldn't honor their warranty work. but it is a very cool scope!

the thermal is nice. I'd like to have one for observation and finding dead critters but yea the price is kinda stiff. one of those is worth more than my truck!

didn't see any hogs last night so I took it out on this yote.

ps - I was just trying to pick a fight with my 223 comments - you know, just to stir things up a little.

Good shootin' there. There's no hogs where I am yet. But, I'm ready, I think. About 7 miles from me people have killed some hogs.
I am jealous!!! Great shootin wish I had pig hunting available to me in CA. Here they want between 600-1000 dollars to hunt one pig.
Putting it up just to show you how it's done!:D

Shot him kneeling/off sticks with a 22-250 at 173yds. I was really just looking for a front 1/3 hit. When I saw the result I immediately thought of your thread:cool:


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