hunting ranch pics.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
buffalo, OK
i had to go to texas today to inspect a couple of rigs ant to my suprise they both were on a hunting ranch.


how many deer do you think they are feeding with 5 feeders in same spot


As I vaguely understand the feeder business, one will be for good ole fashioned feed such as oats, one will be for minerals to grow horns and one will be for a protein supplement such as anabolic steroids( I couldn't resist that little joke).:D

That ranch would be a good long range set up if they would let you.
Interesting that the phone numbers for Flowers and Jesters have 2 different area codes!!

That must be ONE BIG RANCH!! 'Course it is Texas!

the 1st rig i went to was 11.4 miles into the ranch the other one was 16 miles into ranch. I dont know how far past that it went but as far as i could see. My 1200 yard range finder wouldn't read across most of the canyons
I went to a friends lease hunting operation about 11 years ago -south of san angelo .

MAN there were so many deer ,javalina and turkeys i couldn't believe it.
There were big 10 point bucks standing on their back legs drinking from the water hold when we came home most evenings.

There were places where you could shoot thousands -plural- thousands of yards.

Mikebob -i'm an old oilfield hand myself 1980-1987 huthnance drilling -offshore rigs.Flew out of venice ,La..
I have been in the oilfield for the last 15 years, with hickman driling and unit drilling ( unit bought out hickman). I figure one of these days i will get smart enough to get out, I was kinda thinking mcdonalds drive through or walmart greeter. That ought to leave me mucho hunting time
You might be in for a bit of a shock when you compare McDonalds/walmart to your present income.laugh.

The oilfield was good to me -made a man out of me .

I lived in biloxi ,mississippi where things were cheap ,me -my two bros. and another friend lived in a 3 br house.We were never home at the same time or rarely anyway so it didn't much matter.

I brought home $850 to $950 per hitch -7 on 7 off back then- ,and my total bills per month were $185.......
A new chevy silverado was $10,000 and a new corvette was about $18,000 ,and nice houses 1,800sq. ft. brick home could be bought for $55 to $65K .

I now live in idaho and can't find a job making anymore than i made in 1980 ..
Sure wish i'd have spent my money on real estate rather than cocktails/girls and cars.But hey i know what they say about hind-sight =20-20..
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