Help me pick cartridge

Without reloading....
7RM or 300win or 300 wby.
Everything in CA is a bang flop with either and you can increase weight for bigger critters and steel at a mile.

my choice would be 300win based on otc ammo avail, but I'm boring and shoot fast twist 270win with monos
The 6.5 PRC would be a great choice.
build a mid weight 7-8# all up. 20-24" bbl.
1-7.5 or 1-8 twist. 156 Berger's or 124 Hammers. Get the best glass you can.
pleasure to shoot & carry. Good luck !!

Contact Seekins & Order a Element 6.5PRC.
in their factory configuration.
or thru the Pro shop for a higher cost
If you want a different configuration.
Plus a set of their rings Med height.

Get a NX8 from Doug at Cameraland.

Then contact Jake at Unknown Munitions
For their load development service or load development packs, then get their custom loaded 156 & 124 ammo.

"Won't be no "Crying once" about it.
You'll maintain your favorite nephew status !!
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You can almost pick any caliber you want today and get factory ammunition. Copper Creek, Choice Ammunition, Hendershots and Superior Ammunition have "factory load" that are hand loaded by them or if you go to Superior Ammunition in SC you can ask them to build you what you want for a price.

^^^This for the ammo source! ^^^ In addition,, would be "my" personal choice if I am in the same situation.
The boring answer: only because good factory ammo options are a requirement it's hard to beat the tried and true 7mag and 300WM. You can find that ammo in many varieties on the shelves of any store that sells ammo.

The fun answer: since the budget is wide open I would have gunwerks build me a custom rifle, 7 SAUM sounds good for what you want but they offer multiple cartridges that fit your bill. They can tune the load to shoot the bullet you want and then make custom ammo for you ... you can get everything you need in a truly custom, one of a kind rifle.
I wouldn't ask Gunwerks to build me anything. They are being sued by Wells Fargo for almost $3 million. There is a lot of funny stuff going on at Gunwerks. I would ask a lot of questions on any gun build Especially if it's over $3500. It doesn't cost no $8,000 plus to build a rifle.
I love these threads.
The formula is to ask an unanswerable question.
That lets everyone pipe up with their pet cartridge and why it is the only choice.
Gets everyone's post count up, while the OP stays silent and buys nothing.
You could do all he wants to do with everything from a 721 in 300 H&H topped with a BalVar 5 up to a $20,000 Blaser topped with a $5000 Swaro. The former.

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I wouldn't ask Gunwerks to build me anything. They are being sued by Wells Fargo for almost $3 million. There is a lot of funny stuff going on at Gunwerks. I would ask a lot of questions on any gun build Especially if it's over $3500. It doesn't cost no $8,000 plus to build a rifle.
I won't derail this thread any further than this, but I think you need to read up on that situation a little more to get the full story on what happened. Plus the last I heard it had been fully resolved with no impact or disruption to their operations. It's also not unusual to spend $8k on a rifle system when you include top end optics. Yes they are generally a little more expensive than most custom rifle builders, but you can get a bare rifle from Gunwerks for under $5k which isn't that far away from average.

Edited to add: I don't have any skin in their game ... I don't have the money for one of their rifle systems but I do believe they make a high quality product and are helping to take the industry forward.
Lots of guys on here can and will direct you on barrel, action, stock, etc... way better than me. For caliber: a lot of these, let's call em unique calibers, are great, but your uncle isn't going to find a case of SAUM ammo most anywhere and all the RUMs are about the same (and imho, no better than any WBY round, actually not as good) - I have never seen much 26, 28 30, 33 Nosler ammo on any shelves, but for what you have described and today's technology and offerings, a 300 Win w/brake is a greatthe solution. For what you have described, I use a 264 Win, 300Win, 300 Wby and 340Wby and the only one of those it is hard to find ammo for from the factory is the 340. There is actually plenty of it out there, you just won't find it at mom and pops and I almost never see it at cabela's or Sportsmen's either. Best of luck.
For deer size game I think the 6.5s are ideal. I love my 6.5SAUM. They (6.5 cartridges) are typically not barrel burners or hard on powder and cheaper to shoot. If it was me and I was building a deer sized gun I would be looking at the 6.5 SAUM, PRC (I am not a hornady guy) or the Sherman's. I go elk hunting about every 2 years and typically carry a bow as I love to see them at 40 yards. It's my personal opinion that 6.5s are a little on the lower side for elk. Everyone has their opinion and most guys have good experience to support it but I would prefer a 7mm with a little more energy to compensate for when things don't go perfect. There is no doubt that a 6.5 will drop the biggest of bulls in a decent range but sometimes he steps or the wind gusts a touch and it's not perfect anymore. I will be working up a load for the hammers soon and just can't see how this will not be a good combo.
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Get a .300 Win. Mag or a .338 or something of that nature. Put a muzzle
brake onto it. You will never have to buy another big game rifle because
those will humanely kill anything in North America. That's what I did.

Any .277 (.270 Win, WSM, etc) with a fast twist to shoot heavier bullets, .280/AI, 30-06, etc...

IMO, no need to go super magnum. To me they just are not fun to shoot, ammo is much more expensive and in many cases harder to find.

Modernize a rifle for appropriate modern bullets by using a custom barrel with a better twist and the "classic" cartridges just continue to prove themselves. PLUS you can find ammo readily and cheap if you don't want to reload.
The boring answer: only because good factory ammo options are a requirement it's hard to beat the tried and true 7mag and 300WM. You can find that ammo in many varieties on the shelves of any store that sells ammo.

The fun answer: since the budget is wide open I would have gunwerks build me a custom rifle, 7 SAUM sounds good for what you want but they offer multiple cartridges that fit your bill. They can tune the load to shoot the bullet you want and then make custom ammo for you ... you can get everything you need in a truly custom, one of a kind rifle.
Bingo !
you have hit the nai
The boring answer: only because good factory ammo options are a requirement it's hard to beat the tried and true 7mag and 300WM. You can find that ammo in many varieties on the shelves of any store that sells ammo.

The fun answer: since the budget is wide open I would have gunwerks build me a custom rifle, 7 SAUM sounds good for what you want but they offer multiple cartridges that fit your bill. They can tune the load to shoot the bullet you want and then make custom ammo for you ... you can get everything you need in a truly custom, one of a kind rifle.
Bingo !
You have hit the nail on the head, however I might add the 7mm Remington Magnum to your list.
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