Hello from Australia


New Member
Feb 1, 2015
Hello all.

I've been lurking here and a few other long range sights for a while.

I've been a shooter/hunter all my life. Did a little bit of long range Full bore shooting as a kid and briefly again a few years ago (Omark .308 and Central peep sights)

Recently I decided I needed to shoot things other than targets further away.

Acquired a Remington 700 Police and Leupold Mark 4 scope and started a bit of load development a couple of weeks ago.

The attached photos are the results so far. Plenty to learn and find the Forum informative and helpful.



  • 400 y 365 MOA .jpg
    400 y 365 MOA .jpg
    65.6 KB · Views: 101
  • 500 yard .jpg
    500 yard .jpg
    71 KB · Views: 109
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