Good morning from Oregon


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2013
Eastern Oregon
Good Morning,
Dale Johnson from Eastern Oregon. Love to hunt and shoot. Not only with the rifle but also archery. Have reloaded and shot more years than I can count. In the last few years have become interested in Long Range shooting and have learned one thing for sure. Even though I've shot and reloaded amo all my life, I've got a lot to learn. My favorite caliber is the 300 win mag. The other 300 mags and some of the 28 caliber mags aren't bad either. I've been reading info from this sight for a couple years and finally worked up the courage to join. Hope every one has a great day and looking forward to continue learning. thank you dmj
Welcome! My son was just up in Oregon looking at colleges. He said that I should move there it's beautiful.
Thank you for the welcome. Only really been in two states in my life. Oregon and Idaho. They both have a lot of beautiful rugged country.
Well, if you ever picked only a couple of states to live in, you sure picked a couple of fine ones! Welcome to the forum.
They (the states) kind of picked me. Never found any reason to go anywhere else. Not that I won't admit if I could afford it I'd like to hunt elk in Montana, Wyoming, NM, Utah, Colorado, you get the idea. Have a nice day.
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